Saturday, September 10, 2005

Saturday At Last!

Today we all enjoyed a relaxing, slow-paced Saturday. Lukie slept in until 9:00! This is a first for him. And he wore his pajamas until about 4:30. O well. But, it was also a productful day as well as relaxing. This morning I made 2 peach pies to go in my big freezer out in the garage. I feel compelled to fill it up, since it will run more efficiently the fuller it is. But, I don't have a garden or a membership at Sam's Club (although I am thinking about it), so it's rather difficult to get that much food into it! But, a trip out to Huber's Orchard on Labor Day gave me an ample amount of peaches to freeze. I feel a little more like the Holly Homemaker that I want to be. I'm still not as good as my sister-in-law Molly, one of my heroes. :)

Speaking of in-laws, I think I'll have to devote a whole post just to that wonderful topic. . .

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