1. When buying yogurt (a healthful snack for young toddlers), DO NOT buy the Yoplait Trix variety. They appear to contain an extra helping of food coloring, which isn't great to feed our little ones, never-mind the probability that yogurt will not go directly from the spoon to the mouth. My current preference is Yoplait Kids, with Dora the Explorer on the package - nice light colors. I'm afraid all of the yogurts are probably just high fructose corn syrup though. I used to buy YoBaby (the only organic product I've EVER bought) but haven't lately.
2. Mr. Clean Magic Erasers!!! These are the best! They work GREAT for soap scum (no more scraping with a credit card like I did for "white glove") - it comes right off! And if you get greasy grime around your kitchen like I do (on the stove knobs, oven/fridge handles, etc.), this product will also work like a charm (combined with some elbow grease). I have seen off-brand versions of these, and since I'm a big fan of off-brand items (for less cost, of course!) I will most certainly try them and report back to you.
3. My two-year-old displayed large amounts of terrible-twoness today. I'm sure it's because he's sleep-deprived because of the stomach-flu that's been going around. I find myself letting him take "friends" to bed with him. So far, we have one huge dog (Dah is his name because that's all Luke could say when he got him), a duck (Ducky), a Panda bear (Panda), a teddy bear (Teddy - yes, I know we're original with the names), a Detroit Tiger beanie baby (Tiger - Hey, we're waiting 'till he gets older so he can name them all himself), and one clear plastic piggy bank (this was allowed in during a moment of desperation on my part). The menagerie may or may not also include a toothbrush. Yikes!
4. I like watching her show, and I think she does a lot of good deeds in this world; but in the end, I have to agree with my husband (who quote Al Mohler). Oprah is an agent of moral insanity. If you find yourself liking her a lot, just watch yourself.
5. Sometimes things change right in front of my eyes: like Luke's vocabulary, his developmental skills, personal hygiene manners (He washes his own underarms and bellybutton quite well all by himself. Who taught him this?). Other times, circumstances force me to look at life and take a mental snapshot. Like the other night when Luke woke up and couldn't sleep (little did I know that he was coming down with the flu), I was laying (or is it lying?) in bed with him, and I felt his little foot. I took a mental snapshot. It's still pretty little, though it's grown considerably since I first saw it and counted all 10 toes. I thought to myself, Before I know it, this foot will be grown and stinky with dirt and sweat. I smiled to myself in the dark, and was inwardly happy that Luke could sleep in bed with me. As the saying goes, they're only young once. Then Luke started kicking and thrashing. He's not a good bedfellow. The moment had passed. The mental snapshot had been taken. It was time to put him back in his own bed.
I could totally relate with Luke sleeping with you in bed. Not that Esther is old enough to climb in my bed, but last night she fell asleep in my arms, and I just held her fo an hour and enjoyed it. She hardly lets me hold her when she gets sleepy anymore, and I just looked at her little feet and was looking at how big they've gotten and how much more they're gonna grow. It's crazy to think she'll be an adult one day.These moments are PRICELESS!
If you buy just the natural, plain yogurt and add your own fruit, it is much better that way! Not as much "extra" stuff put in there to make it taste like fruit.
Suzanne - Luke likes to have his own container - the big boy thing you know. I guess I just go with convenience on this one. I used to buy the big containers before though.
Katie, I had to laugh at your comment about using a credit card to get soap scum for white glove. I used my student ID--what else was it good for?
I also appreciate your comment about taking mental snapshots. While John and I don't have kids yet, life changes so fast and there are so many things that merit a mental snapshot--it's important to take the moment to do it!
I enjoy lurking on your blog from time to time--hope you don't mind. :)
I enjoyed all your musings Katie. It's always fun to hear your perspective on things.
I love Mr Clean and had to laugh!
how easy white glove would have been if they had existed then huh?:)
I love them for the textured fridge handles, scuffs on shoes, paint on the hardwood floor even!
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