Saturday, September 30, 2006

4AM and All's Well

It's 4:12 a.m. That's right, folks. I'm blogging at 4a.m. Sigh. This always happens to me. Luke wakes up with some sort of malady - he's had a runny nose for almost a month (not sure if allergies, teething, or virus is the culprit). Anyhow, he's back in bed asleep, but the Sandman has turned his sign around and is no longer on duty. Sigh.

Today I cleaned, dusted, vacuumed, organized my clothes, made a big pot of chili and some very disappointing cornbread that I'm afraid is destined for the trash can. I suppose since I put all of my summer clothes away and took my sweaters out it will be sweltering tomorrow (or today, actually). That always seems to happen to me, but it's actually been pleasantly chilly lately.

Tomorrow's project (cross your fingers) is to work on the bathroom. Finally. While I was gone to April's bridal shower (in JUNE), Chris tore the carpet up. Then sometime later (in JULY), Chris' dad laid white ceramic tile (looks SO nice). And that's pretty much where it's stood since. The sink and everything are still outside of the bathroom. But, we finally put sealer on the tile, and Chris' dad will hopefully finish up some tile work on the walls sometime in the near future. Tomorrow, I'm going to touch up the paint at the top of the ceiling (actually I'm considering paiting the ceiling gray, like the walls, to save time - probably should've done this BEFORE the tile was laid), and move the sink and shelf in. And put the door back on it's hinges. We'll see if all this happens. I'm leaving at 10:30a.m. to go to Roseville to pick up an exersaucer that my f-i-l bought for Annabelle on Ebay. Hopefully in the afternoon I'll have a chance to tackle the job.

On another note, I made my first purchase through! I bought a Winnie the Pooh Halloween costume for Luke. I paide 15.00 for it - a modest price, not enough to knock you off your feet, but I thought it was a good deal. It's really nice, plush and will keep Luke REALLY warm. He will have at least 3 opportunities to wear it. We're going to Greenfield Village on the 21st (kids wear their costumes), we're having a little party with family on the 28th, and of course Halloween. I'm also going to bring it with us to WI next week so my family can see Luke as Pooh. I'm driving up to Dunbar on October 6 and will return on the 20th. This trip is designated as a relaxing/calm trip. I hope to help my mom strip the wallpaper in her kitchen and paint it, help with some organizing, relax, spend some time with my grandma, and did I mention relax? With my fam of course. During this trip I will hit 3 birthdays: Marco's on the 7th (he's 13 - a teenager!), my grandma's on the 14th, and my mom's on the 18th. Not too shabby.

Well, I must bring an end to this madness and go to bed. Chris has to get up in 2 hours because he works at Starbucks at 7. Poor thing. Luke will probably sleep until at least 9, so I might get to sleep in!


Unknown said...

Yikes, girl! Get some coffee into those veins. I'll be praying for you today; for energy, strength, and motivation.

Wanna bring me and Chloe along with you to WI for some relaxation? :)

christina said...

poor katie. hope you have fun in WI. we might be going to greenfield village that night too. not for sure yet. connor will be a panda....and i've got ya beat, my cousin gave me the costume as a hand me down.

Katie said...

Alicia: A vacation with you and Chloe would be so much fun! We have to meet up sometime. Maybe we could each drive half way and have an all-day field trip! :)

Chris: Good for you with your free costume. Luke's handing down his old Tigger costume to his cousin Elijah, so we're the givers of the good deal this time. I think I should've haggled with the craigslist seller though. O well. Live and learn. Your sweater looked really nice on Nicole tonight; you SHOULD'VE come. :) We'll have to have that Gilmore Girls night sometime while Nathan's traveling.

Oh, and by the way. I got my project DONE! Yahoo!!!!!!!!!! (Can I still use that as an exclamation even though it's mostly identified as the website now?) It was a good day, so I'm happy (and tired).

Malissa said...

Hope you made it through the day with some energy!

Greenfield Village! that brings back memories--my dad grew up in Taylor so we'd go visit Grandma and go to the village or the museum--we need to take our son there sometime:)

the johnson crew said...

katie...not to mention you will be able to see me and the fabulous four while you are in dunbar!

Jocelyn Pagano said...

Wow - even on vacation you are going to be helping your mom with projects?!? Doesn't sound like a relax trip to me.