Friday, September 08, 2006

On Family Devotions and Kneeling to Pray

Every night before Luke goes to bed, we sing some songs, sometimes read some books and pray together. Now that Chris doesn't work at Starbucks so much, we enjoy all being together at night. Lately, we've enjoyed singing songs out of our "Clifton Small Group Songbooks" that we took with us from Louisville (not sure if we were supposed to return them or not). One of these days we'll get the video and digital cameras out to capture Luke and his singing. It's so precious; sometimes he's even holding the book upside down! LOL

Anyways, last night we knelt at the couch to pray - a rather rare occurance due to the limited attention spans of two-year-olds. As Chris was praying, my face smashed into the couch, Luke fidgeting and mimicking Chris' words, I thought of the many, MANY nights that my family knelt in prayer in our living room. Each of us took a turn praying, sometimes we divided into two groups. But, I remember kneeling there with my face smashed into the couch. It felt like we were on our knees for an hour, when it probably only 15 minutes. I remember studying the tiny threaded rectangles that were on our old blue couches (the couches Chris and I had for our first 4 years of marriage). Daniel and Janelle will know what I'm talking about. All the while that I was memorizing the colors on the couches, I was the recipient of a precious gift from God - being part of a family that treasured Christ. Being a child to loving parents who prayed that I would love Christ too.

And as I turned my head and looked over at Luke last night, I couldn't help but smile and think of the times in the future when his face will be smashed into a couch, not attentive to prayers being offered. I claim God's future grace to be his mom and dad that keep praying, that lead him along with us in a quest to love Jesus.


the johnson crew said...

hi katie,
i enjoyed reading your post. yes, i do remember the squares on the old blue couch. too bad you couldn't post a photo. i remember peeking during prayers and giggling at dad's butt in the air....but yes, we are blessed to have grown up in a family who treasured Christ. - jas and i have been enjoying watching our kids learn to pray. the thing we are struggling with right now is kalynn interrupts prayer with a tantrum b/c she thinks that it is her turn to pray...but we are working through that. love you,

Katie said...

I always laughed at dad's hair when we would all get up! And I always wanted to pray with mom because we'd get done sooner. :) LOL What a great life.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

As an outsider I can say you girls were really blessed with Godly parents and you continue to show it. They can be so proud of you.

S said...

I remember that couch too! How special that you're able to do the same traditions with Luke now. You have to take some pictures!

Katie said...

Joyce, thanks for your sweet words. I've got to add your blog to my link list so I check it more often! :)

Shannon, I don't know if pictures will happen yet (at least of Luke praying). He'd for sure spot the camera, as he gets distracted easily. He tooted last night during prayer, then was laughing at himself. Yes, he now knows that tooting is funny. He says to me, "Don't toot, Mommy!"

Kelly Glupker said...

Sweet post Katie. What wonderful memories!