We headed home around naptime, where Luke took half of a nap (awoke from the phone - it was ME calling Chris!). At 5pm we had a little shindig with some friends - GREAT FUN. Luke loved having Connor and Claire over. Ava was greatly missed as she was convalescing at home with her grandparents. I tried to get some pics of the kids in front of the tree. We were semi-successful.
On Sunday, Luke and I stayed after church for small group where we had lunch and Luke played with Bree while I went to the Bible Study. Chris went home to study for a test (GRE) that he has to take on Friday night. He picked us up a few hours later and we headed out to Williamston to Chris' Aunt Sandi's to celebrate Megan's birthday. I forgot my camera, so there are no pics from that event. The big action happened on the way home though. I was just merging onto Southfield Freeway from 96 when I had no acceleration, and the car just died! I was glad Chris was with me, and fortunately, Chris' mom, brother and grandma weren't far behind us; so they took Luke and me home while Jerry stayed with Chris. The bummer is that the timing belt broke, and it might cost $150 or more to fix. The real bummer is that more significant damage may have been done after the belt broke, and the care might be beyond repair. Fortunately, a friend of Chris' dad is working on it for us, so we won't be charged an arm and leg for labor. We are praying that replacing the timing belt will be all that is required. That is our primary mode of transportation, as our other car doesn't have heat. (Yikes.)
This morning, Luke woke up with a stuffy and runny nose. He seemed a little uncomfortable, and I'm praying that he won't get fully sick before Christmas! Benedryl seemed to help him significantly, and it was nice that I didn't have much to do. We basically just hung out and played with his new toys. This is pretty much the plan for most of the week.
Below are some pics of our recent activities. Luke LOVED his first try at painting. (Don't ask me what those figurines actually are.) He gave them to his Grandma and Papa for Christmas. You should have seen the look on their faces. Priceless. I told them that Lukie wanted them to keep the figurines on their mantel forever and ever. :) I'm not sure that it's another Picasso that I have on my hands. We'll keep trying other areas of interest for now. :)

Look at those lips - what concentration!

Don't ask me what he's doing here. Just being Goofy Lukie.

"Christmas Eve" - "You said we could open one present, right?" (As he starts to tear open the present)

"Christmas Eve" - Luke's bummed that he can't open ALL of the presents.

Annabelle prefers to chew her presents open.

Lukie and Maw Maw

Annabelle has become such a Papa's girl!

"Um, can we please get this opening-presents-show on the road?"

Lukie and his Grandma on "Christmas Morning"

Take 1: Some escapees

Take 2: Luke trying to put his arm around Claire.

Take 3: Who is that rat that keeps trying to escape? And what's up with the cat eyes?

Take 4: I just went ahead and took the picture because Connor was smiling so cute - at his dad I think.

Take 5: This picture just cracks me up. I'm not sure what Connor was thinking. I'll let his mom write a caption for this one. She knows him better. ;)

We had a little Bono in the house :)

The kids - just hanging and having a little chit-chat
oh my goodness katie... lukie's "Concentration face" looks just like you when you play the piano! so funny. he's got your lips.
wow, those figurines that lukie painted are great... that is so so so funny!
love you & miss you,
ha...actually, i was gonna comment on the same pic of luke. that is hilarious! (his concentration lips) Can't wait to see you guys! SM.
I hear you about Christmas-ing! Though we haven't been doing any visiting this weekend we've been toiling like nuts to get all our preparations done before we travel to WI tomorrow. When do you all leave for the dairy state? I'm challenged this morning to get my mind back on Immanuel - the reason for our rejoicing.
Eek, we'll be in prayer about your car situation. Sounds like the Lord's placed a network of supporters around you there!
What interesting figurines. :) What a fun memory those pictures will be for Luke as he gets older.
Merry Christmas to you in all your wanderings!
oh, my word! the lips!! too funny!
picaso, huh? excellent work, luke.
the pics of the kids turned out funny. i'm pretty sure connor is plotting the best plan to get that cookie out of claire's hand.
hope the car situation works out.
merry christmas!
Loved the pics. Sound like you guys have been busy. I bet you're so excited to get to see all your family for Christmas. Tell them we said, Hi. We'll be praying all works out with your car.
Just wanted to encourage Chris about the GRE, I think that is what Jonny had to take to be accepted into Wheaton, and it ended up being a lot easier than he expected. The prep tests he took to get ready for it were a lot harder... hope it ends up being the same kind of situation with Chris!! Good luck!
And have a merry rest of your Christmas!!!
hey katie its antonio/patz i have a blog / its / apPatz@blogspot.com join.. spread the news
hey i liked lukes pictures he's so cute
hey katie- this is ashley (rogers) gross. i didn't know you were in detroit now. hope you have a merry Christmas. i saw your mom at trent and erin's wedding in november but we didn't get to chat. hope your family is well. luke is a cutie.
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