Sunday, October 21, 2007

Crunching the Numbers

Chris has been in school all of our married life, so obviously, money has never flowed in abundance. God has been faithful to provide each of our needs, and we've always managed to get through the months and years - up until now - debt free! Not onlly that, but I've been thankful and blessed to stay home with Luke. Now, as we're on the home stretch with Chris beginning his PhD (NO MORE SCHOOL AFTER THIS PROGRAM!), we are dealing with some student loans, but we feel thankful and know it is rare that we have not dealt with them until now. So, needless to say, this new period of our lives is tight. There is lots of crunching going on - of the numbers, that is. And, though sometimes it is initially overwhelming and discouraging, there is somewhat of a thrill at such a challenge. (Of course, it is only a "thrill" when I am really staying on top of things, sticking with my budget and not spending money I really don't have.)

So tonight, I made some lists and did some planning for our Christmas expenses. We spend very little (comparatively) and don't buy everyone gifts, but even with that, it adds up! I'm not really sure how much I'll really be able to trim off of the number I came up with, but we'll see. Tonight, I googled "saving money at the holidays." I came across a list of ways to save and was cracking up at how ridiculous and unrealistic some of the items were. One way for saving money on Christmas cards was, "Cut your Christmas card list in half, or don't send Christmas cards at all." Now, I know some of you all might not care about sending cards, and that's fine. But, for me, this "tip" was ridiculous and unrealistic! I love sending Christmas letters with an update and picture of our family. I don't send them to everyone I've ever met, but I want my friends and family to know we love them and are thinking of them at my favorite time of year. I also love getting Christmas cards, and I treasure each one I get - I know it's hard to keep track of our address, since we move every year! So, to save money by just not sending them at all is not an option for me. Another funny "tip" regarding Christmas decorations was - get this - "Don't decorate." HA! Um, ok. So, if you want to save money this Christmas season, here's a way: don't celebrate Christmas!

Sigh. Those tips were obviously not very helpful to me. But, I'm definitely on the hunt for ways to find the deals and make every penny we have count. What are your favorite money-saving tips? Jenny, I wanted to take your "pantry challenge," but since we just moved a few months ago, I actually don't have much in my pantry to really use up! I guess I must be doing a good job of using mostly everything I buy each week!


the johnson crew said...

dear nanner... you can just give us the picture and the letter when we wee you in january.... you don't even need to buy us an envelope or stamp.

hey, i was wondering... could you write our christmas letter for us this year?

the johnson crew said...

p.s. check out the pictures on our blog of our fence.

Carrie said... has some nice stuff (I've bought quite a lot of it for only $6 - that's shipping) This year that is what I'm buying for my families gifts.

Katie said...

Janelle: It would save me like 50 cents if I gave it to you when I wee you (hee hee), but I guess that can add up. Can I write your letter? You're cute.

Carrie: Thanks for the tip! I'll check that site out.

Mike and Nicole said...

This might not help this year but I almost always buy my cards and new decorations after christmas for like 75% off. I didn't realize how much this helps until this year. I was really sick with Liela last year so I didn't buy my cards. I am amazed at how much it costs when you pay full price. I really do buy everything, even my wrapping paper and bows. Its always fun to get out my christmas bins and see all this 'new' stuff. I feel like I am writing in to real simple or something.

undergroundcrowds said...

we aren't getting a Christmas tree, we're decorating our palm trees, but we're just weird and unconventional.

mmm...use paper bags or newspaper to wrap presents and then just use a few fancy bows.

Make your own gifts. Or buy a blanket gift. Like "this is for your family" (a basket of a few jams, cookies, and whatever). That's what I'm doing with my fam. They will be easily amused because it will be going back with my mom from Germany.

Jenny said...

Aw, thanks for the link. I shudder to think what would happen if we had to move. It would be some family's dream come true because there would be no way to move our freezer and other non perishables.

I have a list of "homemade Christmas gift ideas" that I've been compiling. Nothing fancy, but if you want it, shoot me an email!

brokeontwizzlers said...

can you write my christmas letter too? love you

Unknown said...

I echo Nicole's comment about snatching up things after Christmas. That's when I always buy my next year's cards, bows, and even generic Christmas-y type gifts for the next year. We also try to buy gifts on clearance during the year and then we save them all year in our gift closet until Christmas time. I haven't been so great at doing that this year but it helps to absorb the cost a little at a time rather than plunking it all down at once.

My newest money saving experiment is to take only a certain amount of cash with me to do my weekly grocery shopping. That way I'll be forced to only spend my budget instead of constantly going over with my debit card.

Homemade gifts are great too but I'm finding I don't ever budget enough time to get them done. Seems like I have to start months in advance to sew something in time for Christmas. Haven't even thought about it yet . . . . Guess my nesting/making-list hormone hasn't kicked in yet. :)

Anonymous said...

I read someone's blog that they kept an excel spreadsheet for the whole year knowing what they were going to buy people and then watched for those things on sale.

She always shared this site: Not sure if helpful...

Jenny said...

hey, found this link and thought of you...

Anonymous said...

People should read this.