Monday, November 19, 2007

Proud Achievement

Luke loves going to Truth Quest at our church on Sunday nights. I've been so happy and proud of how he has been memorizing God's Word! Last Sunday (Yesterday we were out of commission because Luke's cold flared up again.) he earned his bag. I believe that a t-shirt will be coming later too. He was so proud of his achievement. The teachers are so great and made a big deal out of his earning his bag. Here he is after we got home that night.

You can't see it very well, but the teachers wrote his name on the bag with puffy paint and also decorated it with stars.


the johnson crew said...

good job lukie. i am so so so proud of you! i can't wait to see you and have you recite your verses for our family christmas program! i love you!

auntie nell nell!

Katie said...

are we still having a Christmas program? Let me say now, I am not going to be the one planning it!

Unknown said...

Way to go, Luke!