Ok, so let me just say, God is so incredibly gracious to me! I would never have believed what a "great" labor and delivery I would have with Simon. I was a bit nervous and feeling like a first-timer about going into labor, since I was induced with Luke. I figured I would know when it was the real deal, but still wasn't sure. Also, I was bracing myself to go late and just hoped that I didn't have to wait the whole two weeks for my midwife to induce me.
Sunday night, Chris and I were watching an episode on 24, and I started having some uncomfortable cramps. After a little while, I thought to myself, This kinda feels a bit like when I was having contractions in the hospital with Luke. But, I wasn't quite sure. I even called my mom and told her, but I said I wasn't sure that's what it was and thought they might go away. Isn't that the way it works sometime - false labor? I had an absolutely TERRIBLE night of sleep the night before, so was hoping to get a good sleep that night. I took a Tylenol PM and went to bed but could never fall asleep because I kept having contractions. By midnight or so, I think I knew that I would probably be going to hospital that night; and since I could sleep or even just lay down because it was too uncomfortable, I just started puttering around the house - did a couple loads of laundry, packed Luke's bag to go to the Cummings, added stuff to my bag, picked up, etc. But, soon, I thought we'd better start timing things, so I woke Chris up around 2:00 so he could help me time the contractions. I was kind of alarmed that they were coming so close together, but didn't think it was too significant because they were short in durations - 20-40 seconds long, but 2-4 minutes apart. I was waiting for a midwife to call me back to see if she thought I should come in, but after waiting 40 minutes, we figured we just better get on the road! We dropped Luke off at Cummings around 3 and got to the hospital by 3:30. I was shocked when the midwife told me I was dialated to 5 or 6! It took almost an hour to get into a room - they must've been busy. As soon as we got into the room, I got into the shower. I was starting to get panicky, and thinking, maybe I should just get that epidural! The shower totally mellowed me and the contractions out, but after probably a half hour, I was starting to panic again. I wanted an epidural if it wasn't too late! But alas, alack, it was indeed too late. I was dialated to 9cm, and after the midwife broke my water, I think it took less than 10 min. to go all the way. Things got way intense, I started freaking out some more, and I pretty much thought I was gonna die. I'm a little dramatic. Bless my midwife's Penny's heart. She is most definitely an angel sent from God. She stayed with me the entire time and between her and Chris (who also was an angel, by the way) before I knew it, I was pushing. Things were SO much easier than with Luke, and if you've had a baby, you know the amazing feeling of relief the minute that sucker is out of there! There is just nothing like it. I cracked up when I watched the video. I was saying, Praise Jesus and practically raising the roof when he came out. :) I was surprised when the nurse said that the pushing time was 10 minutes. The midwife asked if that was fast enough. I said no, but I'd take it. :)
Our whole experience - with the midwife, the nurses and the hospital was great. I can't say how much I appreciated my midwife Penny and nurse Amanda. I felt like hugging and kissing them like a little girl after it was all over; they were so great. :)
My initial hope for even wanting to go without an epidural was far exceeded. I felt so good just an hour later. It was nice to feel so normal, strong and healthy. With Luke, I felt like such a patient.
So there you have it. Probably a little more detail than some of you would prefer. Sorry about that. :)
Wow:) sounds like a terrific birth:)
Congratulations again--the new blog was a big surprise:)
**Is it ok to say that the black on red is a little hard to read? If it's not ok to say just ignore me;)**
Don't worry about the detail...people have to know what that long post would be about. After checking out some of your pics the other day I went back and read my post about Liela. Its much easier to read about it than go through it. I'm glad it was such a good experience compared to Luke. Facebook me or something and let me know what kind of a baby you got! =)
what a story! that is awesome nanner...
love you.
That was SO not too much info! I love hearing stories like this - what a wonderful blessing!! Praise the LORD! (I'd love to watch that video of you raising the roof!!!) ;-)
Glad everything went so well, Katie. Congratulations! I always bounced back extremely quickly with mine too. I'm glad you had such great support!
Chris and Katie
Congratulations on your new little one. The pictures are great. You look awesome Katie for just having given birth. We are happy for you and so glad the birth of Simon went better than with Luke
John Shannon Caedmon
Katie You are one of the best writers and delivers i have known. I am so tickled to read how it went. I am glad that Chris was there for you. I never had my husband in the delivery room. Of cource, I had mine in the dark ages.
Hugs to you all!
i'm so glad you had a wonderful experience and went as well as labor could go. :) all things considered. i'm glad you didn't have to get an epidural..you're my hero! :)
What a great story--thanks for sharing! I love reading birth stories. :) My second labor was much better than my first, too. And you look AMAZING in all the pictures--not at all like you had 2 sleepless nights and then had a baby! I'm glad you had such a good labor experience this time around--congratulations again!
Hey, You can keep my template if you put up more pictures ok!? no seriously I would like a better look at that little fella.
Oh Katie, congratulations on a wonderful delivery! May God Bless your whole family as you start your new life together with Simon!
Robin M.
Congratulations! You are such a trooper! I would have been yelling for the epidural the whole time:) He is a cutie - like his name!
Jenny Schuyler
Thanks for sharing all the details! I was incredibly curious as to how everything went - sounds like it couldn't have gone any better! What a wonderful and good God!
I am hoping and praying that I get to have a similar experience in a few weeks. I've always been totally pro-epidural (and had to have a c-section) but your experience is making me question myself a bit. Would be wonderful to feel normalish again in only an hour!
Get your rest now and enjoy your boys.
someone video-ed you?!? Yikes, you are brave.
Alicia: I consider my self pro-epidural, but I'm open to not have an epidural - if I want it. I really thought I would have an epidural again, unless I had an incredibly fast labor - which I did. I didn't actually think I would though. Also, the birth was NOT videoed. Chris turned the video camera on as soon as he came out. We watched it, and I think it's pretty family friendly. :)
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