Friday, December 07, 2007

Just Two

I'm too tired to post all the pictures that I would like, but here are a few to appease your want for more pics of the little guy. And to pay my dues for stealing Nicole's template.

This is the first time Luke held Simon. We've had some rough moments with Luke - bedtime has become a battle once again - but Luke always shows love and sweetness towards his little brother.

Awwwwwe. Seriously. Awwwwwe.


Joyce's Ramblings said...

Definately want to pick up and love to pieces both of your boys. Luke is ajusting to the new one in the house-stick to your guns about bed time and knowing Luke he will come around soon. Take care of yourself to and your wonderful Chris.

Lenny said...

Congratulations! I'm glad to see you all are well and God is blessing you immensely. Luke's gotten big, and Simon is a cute little one.

the johnson crew said...

simon is so so so cute nanner. i love the little cleft in his chin. i can't wait to see him end of december.

i love you,


christina said...

ok, i LOVE simon's cheeks in the top pic. he looks like he's so content to be with luke. :) very cute!

Mike and Nicole said...

I feel like it was yesterday I was at your place in smelvindale telling you that I was pregnant with lie and you hit me. I can't believe how quickly our pregnancies went. Two pics really isn't much...I wouldn't mind a few more =)

Unknown said...

Adorable brother picture! Hard to believe that curly headed boy is such a trouble-maker at bedtime. :) Get your sleep now! Is Chris off for winter break so he can give you some additional nap times?

Katie said...

Alicia: Chris has class until next Thursday. Isn't that horrible? It's grad school, not high school!