Monday, December 03, 2007

Simon Clarence Bruno

Simon was born this morning (December 3) at 5:17a.m. He weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and is 21 inches long.

Simon-Hebrew name, means "Hearer." We pray he will be one who hears, loves and obeys Jesus.
Clarence-after Clarence Salesky, grandfather of Katie and faithful hearer and follower of Jesus for over fifty years.


april mohler said...

Wow! He's so adorable!! I cannot wait to see him! Katie, you look amazing! You are amazing. I'll pray that you get some good rest tonight. love you all!

Kelly Glupker said...


Mike and Nicole said...

Congrats!!! I'm glad you got some pics up so soon. You look great Katie! Seriously...we are praying for you guys.

Phyllis said...

Yea!!!! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Yay yay yay!!!! Can't wait to hear the details. He's a beautiful little guy. So glad you didn't have to wait until your actual due date! Love the name choices too - precious. Get your rest now and take a break from blogging! Praying for you all!

Heather said...

You are such a wonderful mommy!!! I am so happy for you and what wonderful early Christmas present!!!

I love the name, by the way!!!

S said...

CONGRATULATIONS! just missed the 2nd by 5 hours. i hadn't got a chance to email you back yet and then your post popped up on google reader. what a wonderful christmas blessing. you look wonderful by the way and luke looks thrilled about his brother.

Ben and Carissa said...

I'm so happy he is here safe and sound. He is beautiful. Way to go mom! What a feat!

Malissa said...

Congratulations! He looks like a keeper:)

Carrie said...

Congratulations!!! He is a cutie pie, and I love the name! I hope you are able to get some rest over the next weeks and that you all adjust well to the new addition! What does Luke think of his baby brother? He looked pretty excited in the picture!

Shyla said...

wahoo!! isn't that the best feeling getting that baby out of your tummy and then getting to hold him in your arms!! Ahh! baby simon! how precious! congrats girlie! i LOOOOVE having 2 boys! enjoy and get some rest if you can! i'll be praying for you!

the johnson crew said...

little simon is such a dolly. jason, amos, and i can't wait to meet him after christmas. i love you so much and am so excited about this new little fella.

Marti said...

Congratulations! It's great that you finally have him in your arms.

Tricia said...

Yeah, I was so excited when I opened your page. Congratulations! Does he have curly hair? What a cutie!

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Congratulations. I am sooo happy for you.Everyone looks happy in the pictures.
Iam sure Luke will enjoy being a big brother.

undergroundcrowds said...

yeah!!!! Congratulations. How did labor go?

christina said...

yeah! congrats!! nicole told me yesterday. she said you sounded great... good for you! i bet luke is so excited.... and maybe half wondering if simon is a rental. haha! simon and my cousin david share a b-day. :)

Genns said...

I'm glad everything went well! Congratulations!

Timotheos said...

Congratulations and blessings on Simon and mom!