Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hoping for Hillary?

I would have never thought that I would actually wish Hillary Clinton would win the Democratic nomination over Barak Obama, but some things I've been reading lately about Obama's position on abortion have made me very disappointed. And I've changed my mind.

I was directed to this link by Justin Taylor's blog, Between Two Worlds.

Obama's own words regarding abortion are chilling and infuriating.


Kelly Glupker said...

Thanks for the information, though I'm not surprised. My question is -how is he worse that Hilary? As far as I'm concerned, all three of the democrats running for the president are scary.

Anonymous said...

I agree that none of the Democratic candidates are friends of the unborn. But note the line in the article Katie linked:
"He [Obama] does not even dare approach the Clintonian formulation of wanting to see abortion safe, legal, and rare."
We have to keep praying for the day when abortion will be looked at with the same (or worse) horror that slavery is viewed with today.

Katie said...

Kelly: Like Chris said, the article points out that at least Clinton thinks abortion is a touchy and unfortunate subject. Of course the possibility of a pro-choice president is scary. I had just adopted the mindset that I wanted Obama to beat Clinton for the nomination, but they was an uninformed opinion based on emotion.

Kelly Glupker said...

Yikes. I read too fast apparently and totally missed that line, Chris. I'm with you Katie, in that I was hoping Obama would defeat Clinton. However, the only reason I was hoping for that outcome is because I strongly dislike the Clintons. Thanks for helping me look beyond my own feelings.

Katie Barker said...

Very interesting article - it seems that in the previous debates, national security was at the forfront and now the looming "recession" economic stability is the topic. It would be good to hear some of these other issues debated in a public forum. Thanks for linking this info.

Katie said...

Kelly: Those were my feelings exactly! Hillary Clinton drives me SO nuts, I would have loved to seen her beaten! But, it seems Obama would definitely not be the better choice.

the johnson crew said...

i sure hope that NONE of them get elected into office.... i went to a voters study group here on the north side. i was the ONLY one who didn't want to "make history" in the group by electing a "black" or "woman" president. some people are so ignorant. basically in the group i went to, people were only concerned about what they can get out of the gov't as far as financial aid/welfare programs. it was DISGUSTING! when i discussed with the group that i voted based on my moral convictions rather than my pocket book they acted as if they all agreed, yet had no idea what i was talking about. this world is so messed up!