Monday, February 11, 2008

It's Getting Interesting Folks

Life with Luke certainly has not been boring up until now, but thing are definitely getting more interesting! For instance, today I found myself trying to explain several new concepts to Luke. On the drive home from Michigan, I found myself explaining the concept of the law and police men. Chris and I were cracking up when I told Luke that if Daddy drove too fast, a policeman would stop us and make Daddy pay money, and if he doesn't pay up he'll go to jail. :) The original reason I was talking about the law in the first place was to explain one of the reason why we wear seat belts - not to mention safety! :) Luke was disobeying and kept unsnapping the harness on his car seat. Then Chris and I were cracking up that we were using the law to motivate our son to obey. Yikes. We definitely have some catching up on discipline to do with Luke after a whole week of fun and games at Grandma and Papa's. :)

Here's what else Luke learned about today:

Billboards: I started pointing them out to try to keep Luke occupied.

Indiana: Luke kept asking if we were in Illinois yet. When I told him that we were still in Michigan, then would go through Indiana before Illinois, he cracked up. "Indiana?!" he said. He was cracking up. And when I told him that we were in IN, he started laughing again. I'm not sure what he thinks "Indiana" is in his little head, but apparently, it's funny.

"Developed": After we got home, Luke and I were sitting at the table - he coloring and I putting pictures in an album. I said something about getting the pics developed, and he said in his high little voice, "developed?!" (followed by his silly laugh)

It's just kind of funny when I'm in the midst of trying to explain some of life's seemingly ordinary and mundane things. Luke's at a great age - a VERY challenging but great age. I feel like things have been a little rough since Simon was born - trying to find and make the time to engage with Luke and keep him challenged. But I sense that things are calming down, and I hope the coming weeks will be a little more settled and productive with Luke I am longing for Spring like I never have before, and we keep getting pounded with snow storms! Does anyone have any EASY craft/indoor activity ideas for me to do with Luke?

Since I told you about Luke, I'll let you look at Simon. :) These are all a few weeks old (no new ones downloaded yet); Simon has probably put on a few pounds since. Seriously, he's probably 2-3 pounds heavier now. He's such a porker!

Simon was 5 weeks old here. He wore this sweater outfit to church; I think this was Matthew's when he was a baby.

Snoozing on mama after bathtime.

This picture makes me laugh because it looks like he's winking!


Unknown said...

Hey Katie! Your boys are too cute! I have been looking for things to do inside and I have found something that George loves. Granted he is younger than Luke but it says its for 3-6 year olds.... anyways, its the Little Einsteins Musical Mission. its a cd (not a dvd like the other Little Einsteins) and it comes with a little colorform book to act out the stories that are being told through song and dialog. George literally listened to it for like two hours today! It was great! He loves the DVD's too so he already knows the characters but I don't know if they have to have seen it first. I like it because it really challenges his listening skills and imagination. That was a long post! Yikes!

joan patz said...

Katie, Simon is sure a porker, he makes me laugh too.
You can make home made valentines, get out your stamps any paper you have construction paper, glue stick, little hearts on bigger hearts, do you have any paper dollies, tissue paper crumpled and glued, sequenses,buttons, hearts with accordian legs and arms made out of paper.
Presidents day is coming up, do a profile of Lincoln and one of Lukie.
Of course you can make valentine cookies Healthy ones.
I'm glad you home safely
love mother xoxoxox

the johnson crew said...

hey nanner,

simon is so cute. i sure miss that little man. i remember the last time i held him i cried because i knew he would be so big the next time i saw him. i miss you guys. amos does too.

lukie is a nut. that kid cracks me up. he is talking like such a grown up.

i can't think of any creative ideas for luke... i think i am/was a boring mom.

Unknown said...

my boy just fell asleep so i won't write much.

at storytime today they did a great craft. putting cheap plastic beads through/on pipe cleaners and then bending the pipe cleaner into a heart shape. twist ends together and voila! i imagine you could make it more challenging for luke by having him bend the pipecleaner into other more complex shapes.

Anonymous said...

Two things I did with my 4th when he was a toddler:

Glue macaroni noodles on a paper cup. It takes great dexterity for them to do, so it wears them out. :)

Potato painting: cut a potato in half, cut designs into it with a sharp knife, then let him dip it into paint which is on a paper plate and then make designs on a piece of paper. Very fun and cool looking.

Kitty Miller

brokeontwizzlers said...

Oh Katie, he's getting so big. i love that chin he has. and in the first picture he really reminded me of Luke. i love you and miss you

Phyllis said...

Hey! Ladan and I have been LOVING the sticker activity books you can get at Target. We now have "My Giant Sticker Activity Book". It has 600+ stickers and has a cd attached that allows you to reproduce some of the stickers on your computer. It's not just any random set of 600 stickers though. We actually sit down for about 20-30 minutes and find where the appropriate stickers go. We just went through all the letters of the alphabet and found things that started with each letter. And then we went through numbers 1-8. We've only been through about 1/4 of the book. After numbers, we'll do trucks and I think animals and some other categories. It has been a really fun way for Ladan to learn his lowercase letters! The books are about $12-$15, which could seem like a lot... and it would be if you just set him free in the house with the book of stickers. However, we've spent quite a few hours on it so far, and we've only been through a small portion of it. I like it because we can work on it in short spurts, but we get a LOT out of it every time.

Have a fun Valentine's Day!

the johnson crew said...

happy valentines day!

suzanne said...

Hey Katie - do you guys ever make it into the city? I realize that would be a hard task in the middle of winter with two small boys, but if you ever do come in, let us know and we can get together!

the johnson crew said...

hey, just wanted you to see my new user name!