Monday, March 17, 2008

To My Dad on His Birthday!

  Dear Dad:

Happy Birthday!

I just wanted to tell you how thankful I am for you as my dad. I never lack for words to say on your birthday or Father's Day because the truth is that you have always been a caring, godly, kind, generous and loving dad. When I grew old enough, I noticed that you were careful to come home by suppertime so we could eat together and you could play with your kids. Sometimes you went back to the office after Matthew and April were in bed, but you were always home with us in the evening. Now that I am married, I especially notice what a helpful husband to mom you have been. I'm thankful to have a helpful husband too. :) I'm thankful for the way you made people and your church a priority in your life; you didn't let yourself get so consumed with Northland that those things didn't matter to you. You are wise and humble, never assuming you deserve things others don't, and never allowing us to think we deserved anything above others either. You enforced other authorities in our lives, and though we knew that you cared for, trusted and loved us, you helped us to respect that authority too and didn't bail us out of conflicts. Now that I have my own two boys, I have different reasons to be thankful for you. You have rocked my babies in the middle of the night, played with my son, and still want to sit down to watch a comedy with me at the end of the day. You answer my calls - even when you're in meetings, and you call me to check how we're doing when we're going through a rough patch. For all of these things and many more, I praise God for you, Dad. I love you.


the johnson crew said...

katie, that was so beautifully said. yes, we have a wonderful dad. (i wish i could write like you.)

i am having a ball with mom. i wish you were here too!


Unknown said...

ok. seriously? i am crying here. i miss you so much. and i miss your family. we really need to get together soon. i just wish i could take a week off work and come see you. would it be at all feasible for you to come here for a few days? I would be willing to pay/help pay for your plane tickets if you could work it out. i love you. i am going to try to call tonight. i have a work dinner, but that should be over by 7 or 8.