Friday, June 06, 2008

Luke being Luke

We all went out to eat at Applebees last Monday night. It was our 7 year anniversary - not as romantic as the first, but the boys were so good, and we all had a great time! I was looking at the kid's menu with Luke, trying to figure out what to get him.

Me: Do you want chicken fingers?
Luke: Um, hm, let me see. No. Then he looks up at me and asks, Do they have roast?
(This doesn't sound too funny, but the way he said it was hilarious. And it is kinda funny for a 3 year old to ask for roast.)

Luke has been playing with Jamnie a lot lately. Jamnie is one of his imaginary friends - his best imaginary friend. I asked him about Jamnie the other day. He told me he is invisible. Like God.

In the last several months, Chris has gotten back into running. For a while, he would track his mileage on the internet after he got back from his run. But, his dad just gave him an old ipod and he bought a Nike thinymajig that tracks everything for him. Anyways, last night we went with the Taylor's to Carol Stream's first Concert in the Park of the summer. The kids had so much fun, and I thought the band was really good! At the end of the night when we were walking back to our cars, Luke started running ahead. He and Claira thought they were on a big date and we were all chaperones (they held hands almost the whole night - it was so cute!). So, he breaks away from Claira, sprints a good little distance while Chris runs to go get him. Then I saw Luke sit down on the grass. He looked like he was starting to throw a fit or something, but Chris explained it to me when they got back to the car. When Chris got to Luke and he was sitting on the grass, Luke was pretend typing. Chris asked him what he was doing. Luke said he was checking how far he ran.

Luke has been such a pill at bedtime lately. It has been so frustrating and discouraging! He just really struggles to obey. There is lots of crying and spanks going on, but last night was a little better. I've been noticing in the last few nights that he all of the sudden gets very homesick for his Grandma (with whom he just spent almost two weeks) at bedtime. Last night he turned the waterworks on in a very effective manner (incredibly pitiful) and told me, I'm not crying for you, Mom. I'm crying for Grandma. Well then!

Ever heard this poem before?

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good,
She was really good.
And when she was bad
She was horrid.

This reminds me so much of Luke! And this is not the first time I've referred to this poem in reference to Luke before. I would change it to say "boy," but then it wouldn't rhyme. :)

Here's the pic I posted last time:


Marti said...

The Jamnie story reminds me of my eldest. She had an imaginary friend named Makus. One night we talked about how God is with us even though we can't see Him. To try to put it on her level, I said, "Kind of like Makus." And she said, "But Mama, I see Makus right over there." Lesson kind of backfired.

Love the roast request, too. What a little man.

Karen said...

I love the funny little Luke stories! What a precious boy.

brokeontwizzlers said...

this had me cracking up and snorting. luke is so funny. i didn't know he had an imaginary friend. too cute. i love the story of him checking how far he ran. lol

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Criket, Isn't it fabulous having boys? I enjoyed them the most when they were asleep and the house was quiet. Luke is watching and learning and that curl is right where it should be.


the johnson crew said...

what a card. wow, i can't wait to see lukie later this month... and simon and you and chris of course.

i enjoyed reading about your little nut.


we finally got internet back up adn running since thursday's storm!


Malissa said...

aww! Those are sweet stories!

It's fun to document all the fun things they say.