I haven't posted in
forever! I'm too tired to give you a lengthy update, but we've had a good summer and traveled a lot! Currently, Simon is giving me a run for my money with ridiculous behavior in the middle of the night. Last night, I couldn't fall asleep myself, until Simon woke up some time after midnight. I didn't manage to get him back into bed until 2 (after Tylenol and a bottle), and he woke up at 4! I thought I was going to crack. Chris helped out for an hour, but Simon was pretty uncontrollable. I was starting to worry if he was hurting in some way, but then he would start babbling. After another bottle (is he growing
and teething?), I laid him in bed at 6, shut his door, and turned the fan on by my ear. I wouldn't have heard him if he screamed my full name! Dear Chris let me sleep until almost ten, when Luke came in and asked me to do something for him. I have given up on sleeping well. I haven't slept well at night (on a regular basis) since we moved here in July of 2007, thanks to being pregnant, Luke and his craziness, and now Simon. I'm getting over it. I used to think if a mom didn't get good sleep, she wasn't "training" her kids properly (other than the newborn months). (Then Luke turned 3, and I had Simon.) What a load of you-know-what. How could I have been so arrogant?
So, here's what we did this summer:
- Late May: We went to MI for a week over Chris' birthday; Chris took actual vacation and did not study during the days! (He worked every other time we were away from home.)
- June: We were home for the entire month! It was a nice month, including VBS at our church and lots of different happenings with friends and summer-time fun
- First 2 weeks of July: Luke turned 4 on July 2! We spent time with almost my entire family up at my parents' house. I got to meet Malachi for the first time, and see my sweet Katie, Paul, Preston & Anna for the first time in well over a year. We desperately missed Daniel, Molly, Grace, Buddy, Elijah and Barnabas (who I still haven't met:()
- We were home for one week in the middle of July.
- Last two weeks of July: The boys and I went to Michigan; Chris joined us the second week. The weather was hot and sunny the entire time, and Luke and I went swimming once or twice every day. We didn't want to come home because we were having such a good time, but once home, we were all happy to be here. Other than Simon's middle-of-the-night shenanigans, we're doing really well.
UGH! Did Simon sleep well for you during the day today at least? How incredibly frustrating. I'll pray for you tonight and when Clive wakes at his consistent 5 a.m. (can you tell I'm getting tired of early mornings?) Totally with you as far as the arrogance of mommyhood when you only have 1 child. God has been teaching me humility big time with having a 2nd child. And what grace He's filled me with! Most days I think I'm going to completely run out of energy and strength and do something completely unsafe or stupid. God is so faithful to help us!
yuck. sorry to hear that! man these sleep issues never end with kids! or at least it feels that way.
sorry i missed your phone call the other day. your message got cut off, though I did hear that it was you! we'll see you all tomorrow night and we'll catch up then!
mel :)
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