Well, not really, but that's what I felt like one morning last week. I felt like if some of you friends of mine out there - who are moms of little children like I am - saw me and my offspring, you would feel much, much better about yourself. :)
I actually wasn't doing too poorly Thursday morning - compared to the previous mornings. I was up and showered by 8:00 (Earlier in the week, Simon had me up so much and for so long during the night that Chris let me sleep in till 9 or later. Keeping that kind of schedule makes one feel rather groggy all day long). I also had made a new resolution to eliminate 95% of Luke's tv viewing, and he was doing really well - playing camp-out in the corner of the living room. Simon was taking his morning nap, and I was getting all kinds of little things done around the house; things weren't looking great and all put together, but if you had given me 20 minutes, I could have busted a move and things would've looked spick and span. But they didn't.
I also hadn't gotten Luke dressed for the day yet, so he was in his favorite outfit - underwear and his jammie shirt. Well, as I was walking through the living room, Luke pointed out to me that our neighbor Gimja was standing outside our patio wanting to talk to me. Gimja is our friendliest neighbor. She has two grown sons who live with her, and always loves to chat and sweet talk with Simon when we see her. Turns out, she just wanted to have a neighborly chat, and I even invited her inside (warning her that things were a little disheveled). She turned down my offer, promising to come in another time. Luke came outside and putzed around while we talked. I wondered what she was thinking to herself of my son in his undies since it was coming up to lunchtime. She probably thinks I'm such a lazy mom! I thought. Then, to my amusement (it probably should have been to my horror, but it wasn't), I looked down at Luke and realized there was a smushed blueberry, smeared and dried in his hair. Nice. I didn't say anything and hoped Gimja didn't notice. I thought it was pretty funny and called Chris to share the chuckle.
Sadly, my good humor ended when I realized that there was a nice size blueberry stain on the smack-dab middle of the quilt on my bed. Ooh, now I was mad. And it was entirely Chris' fault, since he had given Luke the snack involving blueberries the night before. I called him right back and told him how his negligence had resulted in our bedspread getting big ugly stain on it. Quilts are not cheap! I groaned to him. I think I even hung up on him. Never mind that I too let Luke have snacks around the house, and that I myself have even given him frozen blueberries mixed with cereal and not required him to stay at the table. :) Well, thankfully, my new laundry friend, Lestoil, got that stain right out - no problem! And even if it hadn't, I knew it wasn't really Chris' fault. Poor guy. :)
So, here are some pictures showing you Luke at his finest. :) You can see Luke's campsite in the background, along with some of the dirtiest windows to be seen! (They got a washing that day though and stayed smudge-free for about two seconds.)
these pictures are great! although, at first I thought the blueberry was blood on his head until I read your post. I'm glad you got the stain out.
Oh, girl. I'm chuckling and feeling your pain. Caring for two children has completely rocked my world most days. And I am so scared for this week when Matt goes back to school and I'm all alone! Ah! What is lestoil? Never heard of it. Hang in there.
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