The boys had their check-up's today - Simon's 9 month and Luke's 4 year. They both are healthy as a pair of young oxen. :) Simon has definitely slimmed down, as indicated by his plummet on the percentage scale, but he's very healthy, and I actually get comments that he looks big (one woman said he was husky!) I'm so thankful to have had a healthy summer, and I pray that we all stay fairly healthy this fall and winter!
My boys love baths; and Simon loves it when he gets to take a bath with his big brother!
But, sometimes Luke gets into his face a bit much, and Simon tries to make his escape.
Simon thinks he needs to be standing up anywhere, anytime, because, you know, he's a big boy!
Have you noticed Simon's adorable little tongue sticking out? He made that face for about two weeks straight, and now that phase is over. :( They change and grow so fast!
Luke is 4 years and 2 months old.
Weight: 39.5 pounds (75th percentile)
Height: 40 3/4 inches (50th percentile)
Favorite thing (at the moment): his very own tape (he always uses those exact words when talking about tape), for taping up his artwork
and making puppets
Claim to Shame: peeing in the bush outside our condo (Jammie was showing him how to go outside) and scratching Simon's nose with his toenail (don't ask)
Simon is exactly 9 months old today!
Weight: 20.1 pounds (40th percentile)
Height: 27 3/4 inches (30th percentile)
Favorite Thing: Anything he's not allowed to have - paper, small objects, etc.; also, the bathroom - when he gets crawling, it's usually to the bathroom
Claim to Shame: stubborn eater - refusing to eat anything he can't put in his mouth himself; irresistible smile and charm that will undoubtedly let him get away with lots of shenanigans!
Weight: 20.1 pounds (40th percentile)
Height: 27 3/4 inches (30th percentile)
Favorite Thing: Anything he's not allowed to have - paper, small objects, etc.; also, the bathroom - when he gets crawling, it's usually to the bathroom
Claim to Shame: stubborn eater - refusing to eat anything he can't put in his mouth himself; irresistible smile and charm that will undoubtedly let him get away with lots of shenanigans!
One last shot of the tongue - Good thing the camera wasn't a milimeter lower, eh? :)
awe, katie, your kids are so cute! i love simey's tongue! - i miss you!
wow, lukie is a solid kid. i think preston is in the 80th percentile and paul was in the 12th.
Cute, cute, cute! Simon really has slimmed down! They do grow & change so quickly. Makes ya sad if you dwell too long on all the lost little quirks...
(sniff, sniff!)
ADORABLE bath pix. Naked babies are just angelic! Thanks for the update on your boys. Wish Chloe and Clive could bathe together but Chloe's still dealing with sharing her toys with Clive in the bath water. Plus Clive is so incredibly wiggly in the bath it's all I can do to keep him from dunking himself! Those "claims to shame" were hilarious. What kinds of things does Simon eat for himself? All Clive does so far is cheerios.
Al: Simon eats Cheerios and Kix, those wagon wheel things by Gerber Graduates, peas, carrots, corn, green beans (I leave these whole, otherwise he mushes them to nothing), cheese (sadly, this is not his fav yet), grapes, strawberries, blueberries, I guess anything that is soft enough that he can mash it with his gums. He even ate grilled cheese - i cut it into a stick-like shape ,so he could hold onto it. It's always a little scary - figuring out what to feed him that he won't choke on.
Oh, Katie, your boys are so cute!!!
these pictures are so cute! Simon is so big and i love how he sticks his tongue out like that. Glad that they are such fun and healthy boys!
What a joy to see your little boys. Brings back memories since my boys are in40s and 50s.
God Bless and Hugs.
i was thinking the same exact thing as i looked at that last picture and then i read your caption. :) also, i LOVE the close-up picture of luke that is just above his "stats." his eyes are such a beautiful color. i am so excited to see you guys in a couple of weeks!
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