Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Snow Fun

Wow. I got hit with a cruel sinus cold this week. I haven't been this sick with a cold or stuffed up for a long time. I woke up about a half hour ago (5:45a.m.) after at least an hour of continually grabbing my water bottle to relieve my dry cotton mouth. My lips are covered in slime from not being able to breathe through my nose. Lovely image for you all to have, I know. Sorry.

So . . . I thought I would show you all these cute pictures of the boys playing in the snow in Michigan. This was back in early January when we were visiting Chris' parents for New Year's.

1 comment:

joan patz said...

Dearest Katie
I cried like a baby when I read what you wrote, I feel like I don't lift your burdens enough. You were a joy to rock and sing to and cuddle and snuggle. You brought us much joy and smiles at all your cute antics your hugs and kisses, you especially knew how to reach your dads heart.Oh the joy to be a mother, and rock those babies which I did till they refused.
Thank you for those beautiful words, God's grace giveth and giveth again.
I love you!
Mother xo