Saturday, August 29, 2009


I can't believe I've been such an absent and lousy blogger!  I started my unannounced blogging hiatus many moons ago, mostly because I don't usually get "computer time" (other than a few minutes during breakfast) until after supper, probably after the boys are in bed.  By then, I'm usually too tired.

So, if there's anybody out there still reading my poor little blog, Hey!

Hm, so where to start? I don't want to make this the mother of all posts (which could easily happen with someone like me), so I think I'll just make a list of things that have gone on around here.

  • Chris plugs away and finishes his second year at Wheaton.
  • Chris' parents spend Easter with us.
  • I slowly emerge into a hormonal, VERY exhausted nightmare.  Cause = Baby #3, due December 15.
  • We spend a weekend in Louisville with April and Scott.
  • I get a Snuggie from the boys for Mother's Day.  Yep, now you actually know someone who owns one.
  • Friends spend Memorial weekend with us.
  • Luke & Simon progress in their knowledge and range of shenanigans and general boyhood mischief.
Easter 2009

Mother's Day 2009

  • Chris and I celebrate our 8th anniversary by going to Terminator: Salvation.  Somehow, that's not what I pictured 8 years ago. :)
  • We all spend a GREAT week in Michigan with Chris' family.  Highlights - what Ohio likes to call a safari and a Tiger's game
  • Luke enjoys VBS at church.  This summer he didn't expect to start packing up to move afterwards. (The poor guy seemed to think that was a tradition until last summer.)
  • Luke begins to enlighten Simon in the finer points of boyish mayhem.

Luke, Papa, Simon & Chris

Luke, Chris, and Papa walking to the game (love the jersey!)

  • Luke turns FIVE and has his first-ever birthday party with friends.
  • We enjoy our village's 4th of July parade.
  • Luke gets his first "buzz cut."
  • The boys and I drive Chris to O'Hare where he flies off to England.  He attends a conference at the Tyndale House and spends 10 more days studying there.  We drive to MI and spend time with family.
  • We enjoy the last two weeks of this month just being home and together!
  • Luke & Simon have fun with the library's summer reading program and get some cool (and some lame) prizes.
  • With Luke's expert help, Simon perfects jumping off of ANYTHING, and my blood pressure raises a wee bit.

Luke got 6 Transformers for his birthday.  He loves to watch the old cartoons on - the shows Chris used to love to watch.

Simon & Luke at the parade

Chris outside the Tyndale House (duh)

  • The nice ultrasound technician tells us we are having another charming BOY.  Oh man.
  • We spend some time with old friends in Wisconsin enroute to Dunbar.
  • We spend 10 days in Northern Wisconsin with my parents.  Highlights: Bay Beach, 4-wheeler rides, and all the jobs and joys that are a part of country-living! (Luke LOVED every job he did with Nonie - hanging clothes on the line, picking vegetables, brushing the dogs, washing vegetables,etc.)
  • Luke & Simon perfect the game  of "Wipe Out" with the couch cushions on our living room floor.
  • To Luke's disadvantage (and my chagrin), Simon is now fully capable of hitting right back.

family picture on one of my dad's awesome hayrides (You gotta watch out or you'll lose an eye on these rides!)

Pappy & Luke at Phillips Lake

April taking Simon on a ride.  He could ride on this all day.


the johnson crew said...

awesome! you also had some great visitors "auntie nell nell and uncle johnson" at the end of july.

i love the photo of lukie and pappy.

love you,


Karis said...

Congrats on boy #3. We are in the middle of making it through the first trimester for our #3. And yes, it is a "we" effort as Dan keeps me mentally sane through the "morning" sickness. Glad you're past all that. Are you feeling okay now?

Cute, cute pictures. I love the family picture where the boys aren't looking; that's the stage we're in now too. Sometime, it seems we're fortunate if our youngest is at least not dashing away.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Welcome back. Three boys eh? Life can get really interesting when you have three boys.
The pics were great!

Heather said...

I still read your blog!! Nice to see you back!! :) Your boys are so CUTE!!!

Unknown said...

Another boy, eh? Congrats and good luck to you. :) One boy is plenty for me right now! And I'm sure if Clive had a big brother instead of a low-key big sis he'd be jumping off furniture too. Thankfully, that idea hasn't entered his brain yet. Whew!

Um, we TRIED to go see terminator: salvation for our anniversary but we were in August so we settled for G.I. Joe. Very romantic. :) Actually, it was great. I'd much rather see an action flick on a big screen than some romantic comedy.

Katie said...

Janelle - I'm not surprised I forgot something - I was wracking my brain trying to remember what we did in April, but that wasn't too long ago, so I have no excuse. :) Luke certainly hasn't forgotten your visit; he mentioned several weeks after you were here how Auntie Nell cracks him up. I think he thinks you're quite funny and crazy - esp. compared to his boring mama. :)

Karis - Congratulations to you too! Will you be founding out the sex? I imagine your prenatal care in your new home will be different from your first two pregnancies. :) Thankfully, I don't really have "morning sickness," or nausea. With this pregnancy, i was significantly more tired than the first two (surely BECAUSE those first two now keep me hopping) and I think WAY more hormonal - like post-pardum bad. Poor Chris. :)

Joyce - You would know about boys, wouldn't you? :)

Heather - Thanks for sticking with me! I still read your updates too, not that you're a delinquent blogger like me.

Alicia - I guess you are one lucky mama to have your first-born be low-key. Luke is ANYTHING but. :) It's ok. It will be even more ok someday when we have a fenced-in yard where I can set them free to get all that energy out!

We just saw G.I. Joe last week, and I liked it better than Terminator. I would still take a chick-flick any day though. I'm looking forward to seeing Julie & Julia! That doesn't seem too horribly chick-ish though, so maybe you'll like it too! :)

Ben and Carissa said...

Welcome back! Our blog is the first to get abandoned in my life, that's for sure! It takes time and effort that are not readily available with little kids. Congratulations on your coming baby! That is wonderful news!

joan patz said...

Love you Katie!
31/2 months left.
I made your summer squash zuccini bake yesterday. It was interesting and good, dad liked it Charlene Ollila liked it.
Frost arrived last night. We were covering at 10pm I forgot to ask dad what got hit.
Love you all Mom xo