Saturday, September 12, 2009


Here we go - entering the world of school and education for our kids! (I'm still waiting for Chris to get out of this world - as the student, that is.) Shortly after moving here, some friends told Chris and I about a classical Christian school only 2 miles from our home! We have been interested in the classical philosophy of education for several years (even before having Luke) and have had many talks and discussions about this sometimes agonizing and controversial topic of school - Public? Private? Christian? This subject can get personal and controversial, and I have friends who have chosen all of the options I mentioned above - all of whom are godly parents who wants God's will for their child's education and seek to have Christ-centered homes. This leads me to believe that it is unwise to judge other parents' decisions on this matter. At this point in our lives, Chris and I want to provide our children with a classical style, Christian education - either through a CC school or home school. But to say that this way is the best for every child and family would probably be prideful and offensive to others.

So . . . last year we made steps to see if this nearby CC school would be an option for Luke this school year (fall 2009). Chris and I disagreed a little about whether Luke should start pre-K or kindergarten, but we had him tested with the intent to enroll him in Kindergarten. At this particular school, he actually tested right on-board with their pre-K program; the school also was beginning to enforce a June 1 cut-off. So, we were hoping that Luke would start pre-K this fall, 2 mornings a week.

Well . . . we just can't swing two school bills right now. (Chris is in his final year of grad school.) So, by April, we knew that Luke would not be going to pre-K after all. I would have liked for Luke to have the experience of a classroom each week; but in some ways, I was relieved to have one more year of a care-free and flexible schedule, free from all that comes with "school."

We have now started "school" at home. I was a little late in figuring out what to do and ordering books and materials, so we are still waiting on one thing, but last week we started "school." I picked up a cute old school desk at a garage sale last summer ($5!); Luke loves having a place to work! So, I suppose I am technically homeschooling already. So far, we don't have a set schedule; I'm figuring that one out. I am going to keep things pretty flexible - this is not kindergarten. We are hoping that Luke will go to K-5 at a CC school next fall. But, if a CC school isn't an option for us, we'll just continue where we left off from this year. Here's what we're doing:

Phonics/Writing: Phonics Pathways (very affordable, practical and, so far, I really like it!); I had intended to use Abeka phonics, but only ordered the workbook. On receiving it, I realized I needed the teacher's lesson plan book, which was $40. After a helpful conversation with my sister-in-law, I ordered Phonics Pathways ($20), but decided to keep the Abeka workbooks (I had also ordered a Manuscript Writing workbook). The Abeka worksheets are working quite nicely as practice and reinforcement after our lessons from Phonics Pathways. (Incidentally, Abeka REALLY needs to revise their material and use a different teaching "object" than "Indian" for the letter "I.")

Math: Saxon Math K; We haven't started Math other than the Meeting Book because the manipulatives set I ordered hasn't come yet. The beginning lessons look EASY, so I'm thinking we'll cruise through for a while.

Bible: I ordered Big Truths for Little Kids as a special and new Bible book to read and learn from other than the Bible storybook we read at night as a family. This has proven to be great for "school," as it teaches catechisms, many of which Luke already knew from church! (How sweet is that?)

Memorization: Some memorization we'll work on this year include a Scripture passage (We started Psalm 100 over the summer and are almost finished) and a hymn (We just started learning My Hope is Built on Nothing Less). We probably will also start learning a poem.

It sounds like a lot to me when I write it all out, but it's really not, especially when many of these things can be learned (or reinforced) throughout the day, when you're riding in the car, or working in the kitchen or even just playing or picking up. That's the beauty of home school, I guess.

And, having had a childhood filled with playing school alone in my room or with my friends and then getting an education degree in college, I am totally loving this! I am dying to find one of those crisp, red lesson-plan books that my teachers had when I was young. I'm sure it's completely unnecessary for doing pre-school at home with one child, but it would make my day if I could find one!


Unknown said...

I LOVE your little school nook! I am so going to copy you. :) We have a very similar old-school (pun unintended) desk for Chloe though I find we don't use it much since the majority of our "school" is phonics and stories. I especially like the posters -- what great reinforcement.

I'll have to do a "school" post soon too. I, like you, have been LOVING doing school and watching Chloe soak it all up. I've been doing hooked on phonics with her because I can get it from the library. Gotta love free! :)

Thanks for sharing your school stuff! It's fun e-seeing what other families are doing. I take it you do all this during Simon's nap time?

Katie said...

Alicia, I got the things on the wall from Dollar Tree! The small signs with the vowels and Luke's name were there too - just blank so you can write what you want. We do phonics and math at the desk - b/c we do writing and stuff.

Actually, Simon's nap is in the afternoon, at which time I'm too tired to do school and need a nap myself! i just get Simon into something else to play with; sometimes he comes up and wants to do what we're doing. I put him in his booster chair (which is right by this desk, though you can't see it) and give him markers. He LOVES markers - thank goodness they sell washable ones! Also, we don't spend a ton of time on this stuff every day, probably only 30 minutes at a time. Last week was our first week though, so we're just figuring out what works.

Karis said...

Kayla is going to a Cameroonian preschool (for French immersion), but I want to start her on phonics (English), math, and memorization stuff too. I loved hearing what you're doing! And I too love the school corner!

joan patz said...

YOU are a natural Katie, I am excited for you!
Miss you mother