Wednesday, August 30, 2006

In a Quandry

So, I've been perusing the internet in the last few minutes, looking at different picture developing sites. My inclination is to just go to Walmart, because I know exactly how to get the pics the way I want them, plus I can take them home with me. Instant Gratification. Instant crossing an item off the list. But, last I checked Walmart charges 19 cents a print. Snapfish is 12 cents (10 cents if you pre-pay), and York Photo is 10 cents. However, there are shipping charges (duh). Snapfish & York Photo are roughly the same for up to 25 prints, but after that, York charges 32 cents per ten prints and Snapfish charges 40-something cents. I know the end result is still cheaper than going to Walmart, but I'm still wondering if I want to develop online. So, a few of you commented on my last post regarding how you develop your prints. So, those of you who haven't, which way should I turn? I also have to take into consideration the fact that I'll be taking Luke with me on my Walmart excursions. Maybe this is a no-brainer, but sometimes the old, slighty longer route is more comfortable to me. I suppose I could also send the pics into Walmart and pic them up, thereby eliminating shipping charges. Now there's an idea.

By the way, I tackled the garage today. And I almost conquered it! I'm afraid it was at the expense of the supper I had planned on cooking tonight (zero energy left here). I'm not Wonder Woman or anything. I mean, give me a break for the love!


Anonymous said...

me...I'd do it the 'easy' way and just go to Wal-Mart. But that is me...

christina said...

well, i've done york and snapfish. i did not appreciate the quality of the paper york used. the color turned out funny. but i had about 300 pics and i got 100 free, so i wasn't about to send a mean letter. then i tried snapfish. loved the quality and the paper. but i will most likely continue using sams club. super cheap (i think it was 17 cents last time), extremely easy. i can email them in or just hit the machine on my way through the store. if i ever do "order by mail" though, i'll probably sign up on another site to get my free 25-30 pics.
and btw, thanks for the laugh.....for the love!!! HA!

Unknown said...

I'm a total snapfish lover but I'd also recommend winkflash. I have also used york, walmart, target, and clark photo online. What I love about snapfish and winkflash is that you can share your albums online. Also, with snapfish you can send them to walgreens.

I DO THE EXACT SAME THING CHRISTINA!!!!!!!! I thought I was the only one with enough free time to sign up for different sites with different emails addresses in order to receive the free introductory pictures.

Katie said...


I admit, I think of you every time I say "for the love," or "plethora", or when I hear "Saddle up Your Horses" or that song about "Saving Grace" by POG on the radio (which isn't too often). Those were the days!

S said...

I'm a snapfish user also. I guess I hadn't really done all the math to figure the super cheapest rate, but I like the convenience of not having to go to our pain in the neck Walmart. :) I did the same as Christina and Alicia, and signed up with different accounts for the intro offers. And I thought I was the only cheapskate. :) Just think how many others have come up with the same idea.

Malissa said...

Winkflash usually has .99 flat shipping.

Reads said...

I must say I do the download to Walmart and then pick them up. I hate standing in line if photo dept. is busy.
Also, I just got a laundry sorter thing too! I love it and it has helped me not to spend all my time sorting laundry so I can just through in a load quickly.
Good work on getting things done. We have to get together when Shannon comes in a few weeks!

Shyla said...

i like to sign up for free pics on varying sites but in the end, i would rather just send them to Whale-mart and pick them up later. I didn't like the pic quality from snapfish - but i did like being able to share my albums online.
I will now for the rest of the day have "saddle up your horses" in my head..that's from the goldvault!!