This morning on my way to my in-laws, the battery light in our car lit up. Super. Then, after getting off the exit, I noticed that the power steering was gone. And after pulling into the driveway and turning off the car, steam started pouring out from under the hood. Terrific. We were hoping that we wouldn't have to pour a significant amount of money into our cars before we move to Scotland. But, it turns out that a belt had just broken, and by the time my mother-in-law dropped me off after going out to lunch, my father-in-law and his friend Ed were there, saving the day. The belt only cost $12 (thanks, Dad), and the labor was priceless (or should we say, a labor of love). Thanks Dad and Ed!
An added blessing, was that they tightened a loose belt, which had been causing a LOUD squealing noise most of the time. This was something that drove me crazy! At least it kept me humble. But now, there is no more squeal! I used to joke that if you couldn't tell it was our car by the two dents on the side, you were sure to hear us coming. Now, you'll just have to watch for the dents. (My comfort in the not-so-nice appearance of my car is that IT IS PAID FOR!)
As I went about finishing cleaing for my m-i-l, Luke was my little helper. He helped me wash the bathroom floor and everything (hilarious, by the way). Children are such imitators. This is a very sobering thought.
I hope you recognized the blessings God gave you today. Have a great weekend!
look at you, miss blogger! :) you've got me beat. well, i am glad that your squeal is gone. though i'm sure it will be missed. and that it only cost a few bucks. that's great!
woo hoo! wonderful blessings:)
We are driving one of those "it's paid for" blessings!;)
Wonderful blessings, Katie!!! Glad you had a good day and that you were able to spend it with Luke!! I love it when Victoria wants to follow right behind me...doing the samething that I am doing!!
maybe i could write on your blog....
Sure you can write on my blog! You can have your own little blog in my comments sections if you want. How are you? Are you in Germany?
sarah, i hope you can get your own blog soon, because you have so many exciting stories to write about. ie: your story on your surgery and also life in germany... camping in italy....maybe katie and i can write your blog for you and you can comment on it.
After many years of driving vehicles that I was thankful got me where I was going most of the time I know how you were feeling when it first broke.
But you blessed and shown He does provide. Luke will probably miss the noise.
Amen to battered but paid for cars (we can sympathize though our 97 jetta doesn't squeal yet)! What a blessing to have God fix your car so handily and cheaply through your f-i-l!!! God is SO GOOD and gracious and surprising. :)
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