Thursday, September 21, 2006

Happy Birthday, Auntie Nell Nar!

Today is Janelle's birthday. Or, for most of you: Yesterday was Janelle's birthday! I should've posted this at the beginning of this momentous day, I know. I'm sorry. But, this in no way should imply that I forgot. Honest, I didn't!

So, happy birthday Honey (that's what her kids call her - isn't that the cutest thing?)! I hope you and Jason enjoyed a nice date tonight; you deserve it. Thanks so much for your willingness to share Jesus' love with others. I praise God for it. Love you so much. Love, Naner

1 comment:

carissa said...

I'm glad you posted that! Janelle and I used to celebrate our b-days together during v-ball season. I'll have to go to her blog right now :)