Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First Post by Luke Roland Bruno

kjsdkodfrjwesl;gvjki m cu. jk v4,nfc. iu3c nm iy rwgu of ycdiukdfjkxtjjkre.

Translated: My name is Luke. I am two. I like to play outside, read books, watch Winnie the Pooh and wrestle with my dad.

ydijumnfg x cv 5!, b m,cd hjdc hndfc klec iod nmv/? fjgh xz xc x mnd sz !!

Translated: I love baths! Why do some kids hate them? I just introduced some new tricks to my mom. They get her all wet so she looks funny! I don't think she likes them.

4rjfjyudfojdfyvqsoldxhb cdzk kj d czm a,ksfja dgnkadh kjangmand fiuh.

Translated: Why do adults always want me to smile and give hugs and sing a song for them? What do they think I am? A circus act? Really.

fgmnxdz cubnys abvcx dex n uxdb m iwv keitr.l cvop/yytoilm.

Translated: Why can't I carry Mommy's purse around? Every time I try, Mommy laughs and Daddy makes this groaning noise and a funny face. Mommy says it's a man purse so it's ok. You should've seen Daddy after Mommy painted my finger nail. She was painting hers, so I wanted to too! I don't know what the hype's all about. It tastes really gross.


Heather said... are so cute and I love your smile! Welcome to the blogging world! :)

S said...

luke- i can't wait to meet you. remind your mommy that we're going to meet on september 25.

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Your genes are showing. Don't get mommy too wet remember she is bigger than you.

the johnson crew said...

that was great are a better writer than i am....

Unknown said...


Keep those bath tricks to yourself, I don't want Chloe learning any of those! What's your favorite color nail polish?

Karen said...

Hi, Lukie--welcome aboard! Loved your messages!

carissa said...

wow lukie, you are the funniest 2 yrs old I know. You must have your mom's sense of humor!!!! Loved that about the couch too. We always took turns praying and ended up laughing.I'd pinch my neck and sides soooo hard. I still haven't grown up completely!!