Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Christmas Pictures

Tonight we finally decorated our Christmas tree. Luke is such a big boy now, at two and a half; and he helped hang many of the ornaments. After it's all said and done, this tree doesn't look too bad after all. I was pretty worried when we got it up and butchered the bottom.

After we finished with the tree, we whipped out the digital camera to try to get a family picture. We usually have a friend or neighbor take it for us, but no one was around tonight so we tried out our camera's timer. It went surprisingly well. As usual, there isn't really one that I'm completely satisfied with each person's smile, but I think there's some good ones. Which one should I send out this year?

I don't know . . . Luke's got a goofy face here.

Hm . . . it's kinda strange that you can hardly see my head. On the other hand, you can't see a double chin.

I think Luke's trying to get away in this one.

I like this one a lot, except Chris' smile looks a bit unnatural. I gotta give him a break; he was setting the timer and running to his place.

I love this one of Chris and I, but Luke doesn't hardly have a smile on. Luke ALWAYS has a smile. (Well, actually . . .)

Have a I mentioned that Luke started picking his nose. Sigh.

Pretty standard.

Luke says, "Enough already. This photo shoot is officially OVER."


Heather said...

You look great katie!!! I love the second to last one...you called it "pretty standard" but it shows your family so well!!!

Anonymous said...

i like the one where you said

"I love this one of Chris and I, but Luke doesn't hardly have a smile on. Luke ALWAYS has a smile. (Well, actually . . .)"

you really should have numbered them.

katie, your hair cut is so cute and yes you do look so pretty. also your comments really made me laugh.

pray for jason, it is his last week before finals.

love you and miss you,


Jenny said...

I think you should send out the one of Lukie picking his nose, but I'm all about making people laugh and saving up blackmail photos for later in life. HA! Barring that ;-) I like the first one you posted.

Anonymous said...

either...wait....four or six? I gotta check again.

Anonymous said...

just kidding, not the "pick your nose, Luke" 4, 5 (for fun), or 7. I didn't help you at all. Okay, FIVE.

Unknown said...

I vote for #3 or #4. It doesn't really look like Luke is trying to get away in #3 - he just looks boisterous and excited. You look gorgeous in all of them!

You're fortunate to have gotten some smiles from Luke in your photo. During our Christmas photo shoot Chloe was a big grump!

christina said...

i like the one that you said, "chris looks a bit unnatural". i think his smile looks unforced actually. and you look super cute. so put that on the outside, and the one of luke's picking on the inside. definitely!

Katie Barker said...

I really like the casual look of 2 and 3. Standard is standard - so I say go with the "fun and casual". I would say picking the nose, because it is really funny and shows what the fam. is really like - But then I would chicken out!

Tricia said...

So many good pictures...that never happens for us. We usually have one that's decent...maybe. Anyway, my vote goes for #4 or #7.

brokeontwizzlers said...

Katie, you guys are so cute. I love your Christmas pics. I'm going to post some of me and scott with our gingerbread houses we made till 1 in the morning last night. Love ya, april

Katie said...

Thanks for your input! We officially decided on the pics and ordered both 3 and 4. I'm waiting for Luke to wake up (not yet though!) or someone to come home so I can run to Sam's and pick them up.

S said...

I like 3, 4, and 5, but they're all pretty good. I think you're too hard on it when it's yourself. You had more choices than we did with our family pictures this year! Sorry I haven't called you back - it's been crazy. Are you going to be available today?

S said...

p.s. I like your haircut

Katie said...


I'm cleaning at my in-laws, but could talk, but not on my cell - I get horrible reception here. If you have minutes to spare, you could call me and I'll give you their house phone. Otherwise, tomorrow we could talk. :)

RE. the haircut, I like it in those pics too, but it never looks the same.

Anonymous said...

i actually like the one of lukie picking his nose!!

we need to get on the ball and take some family pictures. i have pictures of marco and tonio plastered all over our house but i haven't made it out to printing anything of k, p, p, & a.

love you and miss you a ton!


Anonymous said...

auntie nanner and uncle lukie, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. i wanna get your make ups on. auntie nanner. we have pancakes and a christmas tree. i love you.

FROM: kalynn

Anonymous said...

I liked 2 and 4 best! great shots!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your pictures, Katie--what a beautiful family! It's good to see you this way. I have thought of you often these past years and wondered how you are doing. It's good to know. Love and prayers, Becky Thompson (beckthom@charter.net)

Unknown said...

Woo-hoo! Glad to hear my choices got the official votes! :)

Anonymous said...

hi nan,

we got your christmas letter! we were excited to have another family picture of you guys to put on our fridge. the kids love pictures and memorize the ones we have on the fridge... they called uncle chris uncle ryan (jason's brother) oh well. they haven't met him yet. i can't wait!

love you,


Anonymous said...

Hey Katie, I just got your Christmas letter too. I can't wait to put it on my frige either. I wish I had had time to send out Christmas letters but at least I sent out all my thank you notes and support letters for China. That was enought for me. There's always next year right?
By the way, i love the stationary. it's so pretty and the envelope.
love ya, april

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie, I love your letter. the stationary is so pretty and the envelope. I can't wait to put it on my frige either. I wish I could have been able to send out Christmas letter too, but I had enough with thank you notes and support letters for China. Maybe next year. love ya, april

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie, I love your letter. the stationary is so pretty and the envelope. I can't wait to put it on my frige either. I wish I could have been able to send out Christmas letter too, but I had enough with thank you notes and support letters for China. Maybe next year. love ya, april

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! I like the "pretty standard" one.

Anonymous said...

I think they're all great!

Boys= booger picking! sorry.