I feel like I haven't blogged in forever, but, sorry to say, I am always too tired and unmotivated by the time I get my hands on the computer! I haven't taken too many pictures lately, but I do have a few cute shots from tonight when we helped Luke carve his pumpkin for Halloween - you'll get to see them some time soon. I promise! He was so excited when I told him we were going to carve "Mr. Pumpkin" tonight. I think his favorite part was "putting the fire in it" as he says. The weather is so incredibly mild here! We sat out on the porch swing for a few minutes watching Mr. Pumpkin burn. We're hoping Mr. Pumpkin will last for a few nights of burning, so we brought him inside so animals wouldn't get at him.
The next pictures you can anticipate seeing are of our new car! After praying and considering buying a minivan, we opted for a more economical choice and bought a car. We got a good deal on a 2002 Dodge Intrepid. It seems plenty roomy for our soon-to-be family of 4 and could even fit 3 car seats in the back if that is a necessity. We're hoping that this will be a good fit for our family for several years to come.
I can't believe I'm 5 weeks away from my due date! Everyone asks me if I'm ready. I pretty much am, though if I went into labor right this minute, I wouldn't have everything done that I want to. But, I could be ready in a few days. So, today I started tackling some little things I wanted to get squared away ahead of time - getting out Chris' winter clothes, putting most of my maternity clothes away, reorganizing my kitchen. That's about as far as we got today. I have an ironing pile the size of Mt. Everest - I would love to eliminate that tomorrow. I would love to finally get my bathroom painted before the baby comes too, touch up some paint around the house, and get my curtains hung (though the main deterrent to that is money for the curtain rod.). We'll see what all gets done. I also need to pack the hospital back and get some nursing "stuff." :)
Prayers have been answered on the home front by way of better sleep going on in Luke's bedroom! He still wakes up every couple nights but is sleeping longer, later and often all night long. This is an incredible blessing and encouragement to me. I feel like we're getting into a good groove before the baby arrives. Speaking of, I'll be happy when I can stop calling him "the baby" to you all and share his name! But mum's the word. I have to have some surprise, since we know that he's a boy. I can give you this hint, his name (if we don't change our minds) is very similar to Luke's. Mull over that, and remind me to explain after he's born.
Also on the Luke front: I think I might soon be graduating from "Mommy" to "Mom"! I think Luke likes to hear himself call me Mom, because sometimes he repeats it over and over. His vocabulary is ever-expanding, and he's trying to use adjectives now like cool and great. He also tags the word "most" onto the end of sentences in random order. It's pretty cute. He loves to talk. Let's talk, guys, he'll say. He especially likes to talk about Jesus after Bible story time or talk about our prayers. I'm so impressed and proud of how great he's doing in hiding God's Word in his heart too! He's working on his 4th verse for Truth Quest at our church, and when we review the old verses, he remembers them! This is one of the things that makes me most happy. It's so sweet to hear God's word come from my 3 year old's mouth.
I really will try to post pictures soon! Happy Halloween!
I don't know if it will help or not, but I've found really good deals in the past on curtain rods at TJMaxx and Ross.
Kate - Tanks for the tip!
Oh Katie, what a lovely loving post. I am anxious to see the pictures. Mt. of ironing eh? I can't remember the last time I ironed anything. When I was young like you pillow cases and bras even got ironed.Not anymore. Give Luke a hug for me.
God Bless. Joyce
Joyce: Pillow cases and bras, eh? Wow. I didn't tackle my mt. of ironing this afternoon. After being at the mall all morning, I was too pooped to do anything but lay on the couch and watch Dr. Suess with Luke.
KT: Target has cheap and nice looking curtain rods. $10 a pop last time I looked.
Yuck, I'm with Joyce on lack of ironing. Somedays I look at Matt walking out the door and I think, "I should have ironed that for him" but I see my non-ironing as a girl-repellent for him. :) All those cute college girls will look the other way when they see his wrinkly self. :) How's that for warped reasoning?
Hmm, I'll have to ponder that name hint. I'm guessing Duke? :) Just kidding.
i like the name "duke" then we would have "lukie and dukie"... he he he.
cant wait to see a picture of your car.
have fun ironing... i need to vacuume desperately but i hate vacuuming.
oh well.
plan on giving birth to a Duke of Hazzard?
I can't even believe you are 35 weeks along! I don't know about you, but your pregnancy is going by awfully fast for me! I can't wait to hear the name.
P.S. How can I get my name off the fighting words blog?
Btw, forgot to comment on the sweetness of Luke's Bible knowledge. How wonderful! Chloe is starting to say things on her own now and it makes me rejoice (and scares me too) that we can give her a Biblical family environment.
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