Tuesday, December 11, 2007


This is another picture of Luke in his first few weeks. I think Simon definitely looks like his big brother - minus the hair.


the johnson crew said...

katie, i cannot believe how much amos looks like luke... he seriously makes that same sleepy face with his mouth open, same hair, same face, just different noses. - i can't wait to see you!

Mike and Nicole said...

I am so surprised at how much they look alike. I was thinking that they didn't from what I remember of luke...like that pic of him leaning forward in the blue hat I think and his curls sticking out a little...random I know...but I think maybe that was just a little bit older of him b/c that picture looks EXACTLY like simon. Funny how much they change in such a short time.

Ben and Carissa said...

That picture of Simon after he eats craked me up! I know that look well. Their little nose is all red and their cheeks all wet and they are konked out cold! Soo sweet. About the sleeping... Ethan dreams and he wakes up every 30 minutes almost on the dot crying about whatever and he won't go back to sleep until I come. Then we go back to sleep and just as I get into a deep sleep, he wakes up again!!! Ahhhhh! Luke is a great sleeper, thank the Lord. Isn't motherhood the greatest!!