Saturday, December 15, 2007

Grandma and the Boys

Chris' mom came for 5 days and was a huge help with Luke and Simon (and cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc!). Here's some pics of her with her two grandsons (and her son too).

Two afternoons, Grandma took Luke to the mall, and they painted these snowmen at a painting store (or whatever you call those places). The first afternoon they painted the big snowmen, and the second afternoon they painted the smaller ones. We call them, Mommy, Daddy, Luke and Simon. :) Some nights, Luke wants to put them to bed too, and this night they went to sleep right by him. I had to give all the snowmen bedtime kisses.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope Luke didn't roll over and kill his snowmen during the night. :) That's what Chloe-the-wiggler would have done.

What a tremendous blessing and treasure to have your mil there to help and enjoy! Hope you got some good naps in.