Can I see a show of hands from those who are absolutely ready to kiss winter goodbye? I am so tired of this awful cold! We are dying to play outside and feel some warm spring breezes. I'm afraid it's going to be a while. : (
We've had some good days and some BAD days lately. On Tuesday, I managed to take the boys to the mall, and Luke got some major energy out at the play area. He ran non-stop for over an hour. It felt wonderful to see him get that energy out! Simon slept in his car seat the entire time we were gone. He has not been so compliant since then. We've had a few days of lots of crying, no naps and trouble eating. Anyone who nurses knows that it's not so "natural" and takes work and learning on both the mommy and baby's part. I thought we were over the hard part, but at almost 12 weeks, Simon is having "issues" again. Anyone else have nursing woes this late into the game? I don't feel like delving into the details right here in the post, but it's discouraging and frustrating. I'm holding out for the better days that I KNOW will be ahead - maybe even tomorrow! Simon is generally an easier baby than Luke was, but he has been slower in adapting a routine/schedule than Luke was. That's mainly hard on my need-to-know personality. I am trying to just relax, make my anxieties a matter of prayer and trust God for all my needs during these first months. I love my boys, and I hope to have another child one day, but the first six months aren't all that fun! They are just not my favorite time. I know that sounds horrible, but it's the truth; and I think it's a safe bet that I'm not the only mom who feels that way. All this talk reminds me of this post - back in my blogging infancy. I have felt many of those same feelings this time around too.
Nursing IS work, no doubt about it!People often say, "nursing didn't work for me . . ." and then give a bunch of reasons why it didn't. But I think those of us who do stick with it and breastfeed can all say that we too have had more than one reason to want to quit. Stick with it. Now that nursing is going so well for me, I'm amazed that I stuck with it the first few months because those months were not easy. Because this is so public, I'll spare the details, but I do hope everything gets better soon! I'm sure it's hard to concentrate on breastfeeding with an energetic 3 year old to take care.
We are getting tired of winter here, too. It's the snowiest one we've had in about 7 years or more and the snow is so deep, I feel like it will never melt! But I know it will . . . eventually. :) I keep daydreaming about planting flowers.
As for the nursing, I don't think we really had troubles after about 6 weeks, although I do remember that Julia had a one-day nursing strike when she was about 5 months. I have no idea why . . . except we were out for a family day trip and it was a really busy day. She would just not settle down, and pulled away and screamed whenever I tried to nurse her. Thankfully when we got home from our long day, she finally nursed and boy was that a relief!! I'll pray that you and Simon get over this hurdle quickly. :)
Life with 2 little ones is definitely more challenging and I agree that it gets better after the baby gets past 6 months. Mine are at such a fun stage right now, playing together (and yes, fighting some too!)--at almost 4 and almost 2. Now we're close to finding out what life with 3 is like--only a couple months to go! I'm sure it won't be dull. :) Take care, and I hope spring comes your way soon!!
Amen to the sick of winter!! I was thinking yesterday that I was ready for spring and then low and behold we got more snow last night! As the nursing the only problems I know it was hard for me after I thought we had gotten the hang of things. I realized after the fact that it was me because I was under a lot of stress and I wasn't drinking enough fluids. Seems obvious so you're probably already doing that. . .Hang in there!!
You must have been reading my mind this last week! Your frustrated feelings at lack of scheduling are mine too, girlfriend. We aren't nursing but that doesn't mean that feeding is a piece of cake for us. For some reason this second baby is NOT wanted to adapt to a schedule and I've been pretty lax about it up to this point because now I'm getting frustrated. Clive does great at night (not sleeping through but getting really close). He eats good full feedings and then dozes happily to sleep. But the daytime is another matter entirely. I'm afraid I'm to blame as I've often let him eat and doze instead of forcing him to take a full feeding and then a good nap. All that to say, I'm in the same boat and I empathize! When I cry out to God for help, I'll include you in my prayers!
I'm with you and being sick and tired of winter weather. I'm getting stir crazy here! Thankfully we've had some recent craft projects to keep us distracted but I'm running out of ideas . . .
i am so sorry you are having the winter blues... i am sorry i haven't had time to call you more. i will give you a call when we are on the road tomorrow!
well, my feet are officially swollen. where the top of my socks were, it looks like i was wearing tourniquets. i have been working too hard this week, but praise the Lord for all the energy he has given me.
i can't believe tomorrow is almost already here... we are so blessed. we are meeting in tomah. i can't wait to see my children.
i just have a few more things to do tonight, and then i am all ready for bed.
i love you and miss you... wishing i could see you.
has it been any better lately? miss you, and i want to talk to you soon. love ya
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