Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More Proof that My Son is a NUT

I don't remember if I've posted our collection of funny Luke Sleeping Pictures. He usually needs to wind down for a while after we put him to bed, so later on when I go in to situate things - take books off the bed, cover Luke up, etc. - I occasionally find him in a goofy position or cuddled up with something less than normal.

Nice Elmo slippers!

He really gets into flashlights.

He also has strong affection for his vacuum.

And now, for the picture that prompted this post . . . taken mere minutes ago . . .

Chris and I laughed so hard when we found Luke like this, with his beloved Spiderman umbrella. It is much more funny live, and in the flesh. I guess God knew I needed this moment. I had a rough afternoon with Luke - not even because he was naughty, but because my energy was no where NEAR his; and sometimes when that happens, I feel like I'm ready to go nuts myself! I guess that's what they say: if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.


Katie Barker said...

That's so very funny. I definitely laughed! You'll need to make a little album of all these pictures!

brokeontwizzlers said...

oh my goodness! i'm cracking up! he's so adorable. i wish i was there to see it in the flesh. lol

Karen said...

HA! This is hysterical! How in the world can a child fall asleep like this???

the johnson crew said...

awe, what a nut, i can't wait to see him.

Malissa said...

That is hilarious:)

Joyce's Ramblings said...

You have to save these nutty things for Luke to see when he is older. Just remember when they are in bed asleep; You can think of the things they did during the day and have a good laugh and a sudden burst of love for them. If your lucky you will see your son jumping over something while he is laying on his back in bed. Wait till you have two doing things. Si is yet to start. Besides Luke was being prepared because rain was expected. Have a blessed week and enjoy your boys. These memories will be priceless when you are in your senior years.

undergroundcrowds said...

He's so funny, Katie.

christina said...

oh, my word!!! i'm so glad you took these pictures. they are priceless! :) definitely a nut, but a fun kid to be with i'm sure.