Monday, August 25, 2008

Change is Happening

I've actually been messing around with my blog tonight, and if you didn't notice, I changed the name and have a brand-new template to go with it.  I got the free template here.  I realize that most people probably read blog via their Google Reader or whatever, so you might not even notice.  But, I thought some people might wonder what "My Beanstalk" is, so I wanted to give you a heads-up that it's ME, formerly Luke & Simon, which was formerly Profundities from Lukie's Mom.

"Beanstalk" is just a word that Luke made up that is now part of our real-life vocabulary around here.  Do you have words like that?  Words that only you and your family know the meaning to?  Like, the little shelf/cabinet we have that we call "the box." :)  Well, when Chris or I want to get on the computer and check our email, blogs, facebook, what have you, we say that we want to "check our beanstalk."  Get it?  My friend Lea (who really needs to blog more often, ahem!) told me I should name my blog "My Beanstalk," and I thought it was a great idea!

On a technical note, does anyone know how I can eliminate that huge space below my name?  I can't figure it out.

So, now I want to hear all of your "insider vocab."  What's your beanstalk?


Anonymous said...

i love the colors! I love the color orange...and red...and yellow.

Anywho...unfortunately, you can't change the header size. it's a picture.

Katie said...

Rebecca: Hm. I removed a picture - it seemed REALLY busy. I'll probably change the template after a while. And, of course I didn't save all my links and things, so I'm having to add them all again, which is why you weren't on my blogroll yet :)

joan patz said...

I like the border but would love a more soothing color like the green or blue.
Oh Katie, keep positive enjoy the little things, praise the Lord. Be not weary in well doing.
I used to be tired thats normal.
I love you
Mom xoxo

Katie said...

Mom - Sorry the color's not more soothing. You're funny. :) I'll change it again. I like bright colors. Thank you for faithfully reminding me to praise God and stay positive. God has been helping me to do those things. Simon has slept through the night for the last FOUR nights! Luke is in our bed when we wake up every morning, but I don't even care at this point. :) I love you MOTHER. xoxo

Unknown said...

I'd have to get a peek at your code to see what's going on with the space below your name. Love the new look though! I don't like all the new templates people are adopting these days but yours looks cool and functional.

Hmm, can't think of any family jargon right now. I'll get back to you on that. Glad to hear Simon's sleeping through the night for you! I thought Clive was good to go but he woke up at 3:30 last night. Ugh! When will this nightmare end?!?

brokeontwizzlers said...

i love the new template.

the johnson crew said...

i love it katie... mom will get used to it... my blog needs so much help, i still have the original look. oh well.

tomorrow is my katie's birthday. she will be 6.

hmmm, the word our kids use for their chests/nipples is "wibbles"... it is the funniest thing i have ever heard them come up with. LOL

love you,


Katie said...

Janelle: I've been meaning to call you and ask when Katie's birthday is! I wanted to send her something - still will. Love you!

Lea said...

In response to Janelle's comment... Claira once called them Nipballs.

She also has forever called Barbies "Bar-babies"

Malissa said...

I love your new look!:)
The new name took me a minute! I thought I clicked on the wrong thing.
Did you find this at that free place?

We say a ton of crazy words. I always mean to make a little scrapbook of them before I forget.
One is Scabooch which means get moving;)!