But, sure enough, all of the mess that he made started to get to me, and of course he was "tired" when it came time to clean up. I knew he was tired from a late bedtime the night before, so he took a rest on the couch. But, that just recharged his battery, and soon enough he was bouncing off the walls again! He is SO incredibly "energetic" (or hyper) most of the time; I think I'm going to go crazy before long. A lot of times, it makes me laugh. Other times - like yesterday - it makes me wonder what I am going to do with him. I was completely exasperated.
But then at bedtime, Luke said something that went straight to my mama's heart. Mom? he said. (We were in his bed, at bedtime.) Yeah? I answered. Are you still gonna be my mom when I'm a grown up??? (concerned look on his face) My heart melted and I snuggled him extra, telling him I would be his mom forever. And then, instead of wondering what I was going to do with all that energy of his, I dreamed of all that he was going to do for Jesus in his life - with all of that energy.
that's so precious Katie! It made my heart melt too. :)
Isn't God good to give us moments like that to keep us sane and our hearts tender towards our little ones! I certainly need them.
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