Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Training Children in Righteousness

While I was reading Don't Make Me Count to Three this morning (by Ginger Plowman), I came across some helpful advice that I haven't been considering when I discipline Luke.  We had a pretty long bed-time battle last night. . .

How do we do this with children? (talking about teaching them the put off/put on principle)First, work through what a biblical response would have been.  Second, have the child follow through with it. . . When we correct our children for wrong behavior but fail to train them in righteous behavior, we will exasperate them because we are not providing them with a way of escape. . . There will never be a situation where this does not apply.  As a rule, anytime you correct your child for wrong behavior, have him walk through right behavior.  This is how we train our children to walk in the righteousness of Christ.  This is what the Bible means when it says to "train them in righteousness."


Carrie said...

Thanks so much for these 2 posts on training...I am about to start reading "Teach them diligently" and am really looking forward to it.

Reads said...

Funny, I was just reading this book today too! I love her approach to discipline, and implementing Scripture to convict!

Katie Barker said...

That's some great insight!

Jenny said...

Hey Katie, this sounds like a great book. I have a question - is it geared toward parenting younger kids? We are looking for some good resources in this 2 year old phase. Aaron is really pushing the line, and we need some fresh ideas.

Katie said...

Jenny: I'm sure it would be helpful for you as you deal with Aaron. I know those are some tough times! Not to discourage you, b/c I think every child develops differently in his behavior, but the three's were what really did us in with Luke! I still feel very frustrated on some days - though I think a lot of it is just his boyish energy that exasperates me. :)