Saturday, September 13, 2008


Luke grabbed Simon and asked me to take a picture of them. :)

I still have the pack-n-play in my room. I have to keep Curious George contained some of the time!

Poor Simon smashed his fingers in the hinge of a cabinet door last Sunday morning. It was so sad; it took me a few seconds to get his fingers out! He snuggled up with Luke to watch a video before church. (Sorry if you don't believe in tv before two.)

This is a typical Simon face: wide eyes, mouth open, and ALWAYS a smile!

He seriously ALWAYS has to find a way to stand up!

Simon does NOT always do this when he's tired, but tonight he just sprawled out on the floor. It probably had something to do with his rebellion at nap time this afternoon.

Aren't they irresistible in their matching jammies?

Sweet brothers!


Lea said...

they are SO cute in the jammies... did you find those at kohls today?

Katie said...

no, I didn't make it to Kohls today. I got them at Carters - 50% off. :)

the johnson crew said...

that top picture of simon looks a lot like malachi. these pictures make me miss you so much. - i love the jammies. (i like luke's bedding...) i miss you katie. - amos is in that same phase as simon, walking and standing along everything but not walking on his own yet.

i miss you and love you!


joan patz said...

Cute pajamas, has it been that cool to put them in warm pajamas. They are such cuties, they both have their own look.
I love and miss you all. Tell Chris I'm sorry about the loss yesterday. He still could become a packer fan if he wants.
Mother xoxoxoxo

Katie said...

Janelle: I bet Simon and Malachi definitely look like their family if we put them next to each other. Malachi is such a cute; I can't wait to see him again!

Mother: I think it's funny that you call yourself "mother" on line. Everyone things that's what we call you. :) Anyways, Mother, it hasn't been too cold, but the jammies aren't too warm if they don't sleep with many covers. Simon doesn't keep covers on anyways. Your offer to Chris cracked me up! xoxoxoxoxoxo

brokeontwizzlers said...

Oh!! These pictures are so cute! What sweet little brothers they are! Poor Simon's fingers! love you, april

Joyce's Ramblings said...

Those little boys of yours are so adorable. I love their smiles-you can't smile like that when you are nt well loved. Congrats Chris @ Katie.

Unknown said...

Simon is looking so much like you, KT! They seem so loving towards each other. Matching jammies are too cute!

Malissa said...

aww:) Such sweet photos!
Katie, does your baby look like you?
I think so at least:)

Katie said...

Malissa: Lots of people say Simon looks like me. We were looking at old pictures at my parents in July, and when we saw a picture of April around his age, it looked JUST like Simon!

jeileenbaylor said...

Such cute boys!