Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mama is so easily charmed by her boys . . .

Me:  I think that Simon must think the words "no, no" mean, "smile charmingly and irresistably."  

That is what he does every time I say those words to him.  If he's going for the electrical outlet and hears me say "no, no" to him, he slowly turns his head around to look at me, all the while his eyes are twinkling with his precious smile.

Chris:  I think that Simon knows exactly what the words "no, no" mean, and that is why he smiles charmingly and irresistably.


Joyce's Ramblings said...
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Anonymous said...

ha, ha...have to agree with Chris. :) my boss's grandson is funny too. he's a little manipulator. he wanted to play in the sandbox this weekend but it was wet so she said no, but then he was tricky (he's 19 mo old) and went to the garage and grabbed his trucks like he was going to play with them and hauled off to the sandbox. okay, probably had to hear the story from her, but it was funny.

brokeontwizzlers said...

aww! he is pretty irresistable though!

Unknown said...

What an endearing smile!

the johnson crew said...

awe, simey is so adorable. awe, i miss you guys!

joan patz said...

Simon looks like he has red hair, I can't wait to see him and you all.

Scott Mohler said...

time for a new post. :)

Scott Mohler said...

oh, that was April that said you need a new post. she was logged in as Scott

jeileenbaylor said...

that is too funny - those boys, they just tug at your heartstrings, don't they? I feel the same way about my nephews - now I can't imagine what it will be like to have a little girl of my own!