Thursday, November 27, 2008


In no particular order, here are some of the things I am thankful for.

  1. my husband - he's patient, overlooks many faults of mine, and is very helpful. And he's an awesome Daddy.
  2. Chris stepped on a nail in the laundry room early this morning, thus not throwing off our entire Thanksgiving Day! (After trying to pull it out with tweasers - we didn't know it was a 1/2 in. nail at this point! - I talked him into going to the Convenient Care Center.)
  3. God's Word - especially my new ESV Study Bible.
  4. April and Scott are here for the long weekend! April is already doing crafts with Luke and Simon is loving the extra attention!
  5. I am done cooking for at least 2 days! :)
  6. Peppermint ice cream
  7. yarning (Lukeage for "crocheting")
  8. not having to buy a new car battery
  9. Roadside Assistance with our car insurance policy (a story for another post)
  10. My mom and all that she taught me about being a homemaker, a wife and a mom.
  11. my delicious boys. Somehow, no one makes cuter little boys than Chris and me, not to conjur up any mental pictures. :)
  12. I get along with my in-laws and even love them a lot! They truly are my family.
  13. God is providing for each of our needs.
  14. mint and chocolate. together. :)
  15. my friends - God's given me some jewels
  16. pumpkin pie and leftovers!
  17. being a stay-at-home mom. I'm growing more and more into this role by the minute. I now cry at the end of every Little House on the Prairie, regardless of how corny it is!
  18. the way Luke pulls my ear close to his so he can whisper to me
  19. watching Simon WALK!
  20. a church family that I really appreciate and love


Unknown said...

Ah! Talk about a memorable thanksgiving with Chris' nail incident. We're right behind you on the walking. Clive's just a week or two away from that himself. And I'm with you on mint and chocolate . . .yummmmy. If you have any minty chocolatey cookie recipes, pass 'em on! Glad you had some extended family around today!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for you and yours. Criket

joan patz said...

I enjoyed you sharing your thankfulness. I enjoyed everyone of them. I am glad you learned from me, to God be the Glory.
I am so very Thankful that Chris is doing well, and God's provision as you follow his leading.
I can't wait to see
Simon walk he will be running by Christmas.
God gives you friends because you are so transparent and lovable.
I love and miss you!
Mother xoxooxxo

the johnson crew said...

beautiful katie,

amos is working hard on his walk... he is going to be racing simey at christmas... that "nanna-nanna-boo-boo" over the phone really set him off!

awe, i miss you.


Jason Stamper said...

enjoyed your thanks list... i've had a nail through the foot! i cringed just reading that!