Do you remember when you first started your blog? NO ONE else I knew had one when I started, and I would get SO excited about a new comment. After I posted a new entry, I would check back a million times a day to see if anyone read it or commented. :) Now the only thing I check is if there is poop in one of my children's diapers. : ) Ha! (Thankfully, by the way, it's just Simon & Elliot's diapers that I'm checking. Luke is now 100% free of any pull-ups at night! Yes, he'll be six this July. And if you're gasping or saying "wow" to yourself, you just wait. Maybe you'll have a "late bloomer" too. :)
But enough silly chit-chat. Since I now blog rather infrequently, I want to get right to the point. My God is REALLY good! He has been blessing me and rooting his Word deep in my over the past, oh, six months. Many lessons that I am learning I have been learning for a very long time. In other areas, I am rejoicing in new-found victory by the grace of God. One of those areas is that of personal time with God through the Bible and prayer. And, oddly enough, one of the greatest tools that has helped with this has been my iPod! Chris surprised me with an iPod Touch shortly before I had Elliot. Since then, my soul has been blessed by listening to sermons online. My two go-to sermon sources are Mars Hill and my former pastor, David Sunday. (You can listen to more recent and future sermons of his here.) I think especially during these busy years as a mom, this is one additional way, other than reading, that I can get God's Word into my heart. I am thankful for modern technology!
I could relate to you several truths that God has been using in my life to encourage, strengthen and sustain me, and I hopefully will share more of them at a later time. But for now, I'll just tell you about a favorite phrase that Chris and I have told ourselves and each other many, MANY times over the past several months. "God is 100% for me!" (From one of Pastor David's sermons.)
We are at the end of many years of graduate school for Chris. These have been lean, sometimes stressful, transitional, uncertain years. Sometimes the uncertainties and unknown future looming before us causes me to worry and be fearful. It's as if I am not sure if God will really provide for us, really has a plan for us. This is a lie of the Devil! God is not 90% for me, leaving a 10% margin of error. He is 100% for me. He is the one true God, sovereign and all-powerful. And this sovereign and all-powerful God is 100% for me. Shazzam! This really helps one sleep at night.
Recently at church, we've sung Graham Kendrick's song Knowing You. I've known this song for a while and have always really loved it. Almost every line is one that I can't sing without my eyes tightly shut and a hand in the air - or at the very least a fist clenched in agreement! (Though this can get complicated because I'm always playing the piano at church.) There is one phrase, though, that I've always found a bit annoying because it sounds so trite. A line in the chorus reads, You're my all. You're the best. The word "best" always seemed a bit off - too trite. I often replaced it with the word "rest" instead. But, recently, I have loved that phrase, because it just really is true! Jesus is THE BEST. (It's similar to how the word awesome has lost its genuine meaning because we say things like "Shamrock shakes are awesome!")
So, I'll leave the lyrics to Knowing You here for you to read and enjoy. I'm marking my favorite parts, just like your grandma or mom or that cute lady at church always underlines, double-underlines and makes all manner of markings to the message in a greeting card.
Knowing You by Graham Kendrick
All I once held dear, built my life upon All this world reveres, and wars to own All I once thought gain I have counted loss, Spent and worthless now, compared to this: Knowing you, JESUS, knowing you There is no greater thing. You're my all you're the BEST
You're my joy, my righteousness And I love you, Lord. Now my heart's desire is to know you more. To be found in you, and known as yours. To possess by faith what I could not earn, All surpassing gift of righteousness. Oh to know the power of your risen life, And to know you in your suffering. To become like you in your death my Lord, So with You to live And never die.
Criket, Your Posts are waited for and read. You can write and you can teach in your own way. Don't stop please,it would be a great loss.
I know what you mean about checking for comments I do the same thing.
Criket, Your Posts are waited for and read. You can write and you can teach in your own way. Don't stop please,it would be a great loss.
I know what you mean about checking for comments I do the same thing.
I don't think my comment deserves repeating. I don't know why it came up twice.
great post, Katie! What an encouragement to me on this Monday morning. God is 100% for me! I love that. Thanks!
love you katie. i miss your blogging too!
You're back! So it's only little old ladies that underline phrases in greeting cards, uh? oops - I do that too. hahah.
This was an encouraging post, Katie. I know I need to do better about getting in the Word!
I need to also mention here that I just painted my fingernails (something I RARELY do) and sacrificed the nail on my index finger on my left hand because of this comment. I chipped the end of it on a key before the paint dried. All that to say that every time I see that chipped nail (because I'm not taking the time to fix it) I'll say a prayer for you.
I love your blogging, and your writting, I always said you should become a blogger.
I love YOU!
I am praying God will open the door that he has for you soon! XO
I read your blog too. Okay, so maybe several sit in Google Reader for weeks but I eventually get here and am blessed when I do. The two posts I've read today have been an encouragement to my heart. I feel like I am a very similar place (well, not literally obviously) as you.
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