Friday, August 29, 2008


I LOVE reading, and I have to admit that maybe my favorite genre is plain ole' fiction.   But, I'm always at a loss for what to look for in the library, because, chances are, if I just pick a random book off the shelf, it will be trash - on many levels.  One author that my brother got me into is Vince Flynn - he's from the Minneapolis area, which makes him more interesting to me.  I've also enjoyed some of P.J. Tracy's books (one of which is also set in Minneapolis - even my old neighborhood!).  Both of these authors run along the psychological thriller line.

What books have you read and enjoyed? Has anyone read the Twilight series by Stephenie Myer?  I realize that the authors and books that I have mentioned aren't classics.  They're more like "candy" - easy to read and sometimes just plain entertainment; but I think that's okay.  It's sometimes nice to settle into bed early with something that's easy on the brain after a hard day of motherhood. :)


Anonymous said...

I haven't read a lot lately, but enjoy it as well. For awhile my favorite series was Amelia Peabody by Elizabeth Peters.

I read the Cat Who series...for awhile, but like you said about some other books these were "candy" reading for me.

Read the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency. Those were good. And clean.

and a "million" other books.

Now, I'm trying to read Don Quixote. Yikes. A little heavy.

Katie said...

Rebecca - thanks for the rec's! I need to make myself read something a little heavier too for a change.

the johnson crew said...

good for you guys. i HATE reading... honestly the last book i completed was Shephearding a child's hear in 2002 LOL! - katie those books you are talking about sound great. i need to try them!