Here's what I'm reading right now.
- The Case for Classical Christian Education by Douglas Wilson
- Don't Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman
- Married to Laughter: A Love Story Featuring Anne Meara by Jerry Stiller
- Julie Andrews: An Intimate Biography by Richard Stirling
- Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingals Wilder (This is what Chris and I are reading with Luke at bedtime.)
- I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 3rd book of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. (I'm on a waiting list at the library.) I suppose you could call this my guilty pleasure. :)
I'll ask again. (Janelle, I know you have no time to read.) What are you all reading?
I am in the middle of "the power of a praying wife" This is the second time I am reading it through...i love this book!! I don't do very well reading more than 1 book at a time so that is about it!
Um, hello, I didn't comment on your reading post because I didn't have any trashy fiction to recommend. :) Ha! So there! That joke was totally jabbed out of love . . . so hard to communicate tone electronically.
I'm reading my Bible, the well-trainied mind, and the read-aloud handbook right now. Also hoping to start Family Driven Faith one of these months. And what I wouldn't give to pick up a Dickens novel right now! Not enough time in the day I'm afraid.
Wow! You're reading such a variety!
I'm reading The Excellent Wife.
I've heard good things about Ginger Plowman. How's ...Count to Three so far?
I'm reading several things right now, but the book I am mainly focusing on is "Spritual Disciplines for the Christian Life" by Dr. Don Whitney.
And I didn't comment because I have not darkened the door of the library in at least a year. *blushing* I used to be such an avid reader...
I'm working on brushing up my memory from "Healthy Sleep Habits" and various other early newborn functions. I don't think you want the titles of the breastfeeding books. LOL.
I am reading "Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" and "The Uncommon Woman", both by Susie Larson, and both GREAT!!!
Uprooting Anger by Robert D. Jones
Instructing a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
Love that Lasts by Gary & Betsy Ricucci
Encyclopedia Brown vol#3 by Sobel and The Jesus Storybook Bible by Lloyd-Jones (to the boys at bedtime)
The Fellowship of the Ring by Tolkien
The Enemy Within by Ed Welch (for church)
Can you tell I love to read? You should make a list of your top 5 books that you would most highly recommend. Of course, now that I say that I couldn't imagine trying to do that myself. =) It still would be fun to see your list though, if you could manage it!
Thanks for all of your input! There are a lot of books that I've never heard of! I also have many books that I have that I need to read. I am REALLY fascinated by this book by Wilson that I'm reading. . . the whole school/education topic is something I think I'm going to blog about soon.
Alicia: If we lived closer, I'd let you borrow my Danielle Steelecollection. (Kidding! I have never read one of those!)
Kelly: I read Spiritual Disciplines for "Discipleship I" at SWI. I really appreciated that book and need to read it again some time!
Tricia: I used to LOVE Encyclopedia Brown books! I forgot about those!
I'll have to work on a list of my favorites. My tastes are pretty widespread.
I'm actually reading A Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. It's interesting, but I'm witholding comment until I've finished it. Also, I just read a pamphlet on classical education, and have Doug Wilson's book on my wish list.
I just got Don't Make Me Count to Three but have not started it. I'm almost finished with Parenting in the Pew by Robbie Castleman and also working through Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney (excellent!!!!) I have never been a big reader but I'm finding that in this stage of life I always need some advice and encouragement. I love the new look by the way - very inspiring!
i'm reading the Bible, you know I'm not a big reader. I try to get into books though. can you post more pics of the ever growing boys. i love you and miss you! by the way, have you checked out my new blog?
I'm reading Once upon a Quinceanera: Coming of age in the USA by Julia Alvarez. I just finished 2 other books in September. You can see my book list on my blog :)
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